Phonak target software 9.1

Hi @Ben D Welcome;
Please read your PM/Conversation for information about how to find Phonak Target 9.1.1
Bonjour à tous, quelqu'un peut-il me communiquer le lien de la dernière version de Target s'il vous plaît ?
Bonjour @bobuou6 Bienvenue ;
Veuillez lire votre PM/Conversation pour savoir comment trouver Phonak Target 9.1.1.
Hello, can I have a link for downloading Phonak Target software? Many thanks
Oh, maybe I got confused by some notifications coming in late and I had one post that was hanging because I forgot to click "Post Reply" so I wanted to make sure I got caught-up. :p
Hi @MadMaxchen Welcome;
Please read your PM/Conversation for information about how to find Phonak Target 9.1.1
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Hi @oberon320 Welcome;
Please read your PM/Conversation for information about how to find Phonak Target 9.1.1
Hi @umiq88 Welcome;
Please read your PM/Conversation for information about how to find Phonak Target 9.1.1