DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2)

Yep, my old molds without locks were popping out too, and the locks helped me. See the before and after images below.

Stick your finger in your ear and feel around at the bottom/back of your concha to see if there is something for the lock to hold onto?

Hi @leocard11
Please read your PM/Conversation (in this forum) for info on how to find SmartFit 1.18 + Aventa 3
Tip: No need to share your email addy. You should edit that out of your request to avoid receiving extra spam ;)

Or not :cool:
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Hi @merc Welcome
Please read your PM/Conversation for info on how to find Danalogic 1.18
Hello - lifelong wearer looking to DIY a set of Unitron Insera CIC/IIC purchased around 2022 (size 10, no Bluetooth). Is anyone able to share Unitron TrueFit v5 or greater? TIA !
Hi @GB001 Welcome;
Please read your PM/Conversation for info on how to find Unitron TrueFit 5.6.0
Here's a clip from a DIY School Legacy Hearing Aids PDF File named (Choose Hardware-Programming Device for Unitron);

Legend: NW = Noahlink Wireless/Caution: Noah, NOAHlink & Noahlink Wireless are 3 different things
Legend: HP = (Hi Pro or mini Pro) with Phonak/Unitron cable (straight) for some BTEs or Phonak/Unitron battery pill cable, Note that battery door removal may be required for some small custom models. Tip: When putting the battery doors back on the hearing aids be careful not to switch sides causing the doors to be woppy jawed.

* Not all Custom models are wireless.
Powered by Vivante platform:
• 2023-Q2 Moxi V-R RIC NW
• 2023-Q2 Moxi V-RT RIC NW

Powered by BLU platform:
• 2021-Q2 Moxi B-R RIC NW
• 2021-Q2 Moxi B-RT RIC NW
• 2021-Q2 Moxi B-312 RIC NW
• 2021-Q2 Stride B-PR BTE NW
• 2021-Q2 Stride B-UP BTE 675 NW
• 2021-Q2 Insera/Custom B-312 Directional NW
• 2021-Q2 Insera/Custom B-312 Omni HP
• 2021-Q2 Insera/Custom B-10 Omni HP
Don't believe hip-shot AnswerBots when they tell you to use "flex connectors". That won't work.
Greetings, how to read PM/conversation to find Unitron Software. I have purchased 2 pairs on eBay: Pair of Unitron Vista D R Li Hearing Aids Silver Rechargeable & a SpecSaver. I do have the NoahLink Wirelss, any help is much appreciated
HI Oticon; I don't think that Unitron fitting software (Unitron TrueFit 5.6.0) will work for ReBranded Vista hearing aids and also for ReBranded SpecSaver hearing aids. Here's a clip below from a DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF File named (Unlocking ReBranded Hearing Aids). I think you will need AuraFit/Vista 5.5.1 for the Vista ReBranded hearing aids. I dunno what you need for Specsaver hearing aids? Do you know the manufacturer for the Specsaver hearing aids?

CLIP follows:

Unitron ReBranded Models:

AuraFit/Aura:fit 5.5.1 is a version of Unitron TrueFit for ReBranded Vista

Models (Vista V, Vista B, Vista DX, Vista D, Vista Basic +, Vista T, Vista N, Vista)

AuraFit Relate/Aura:fit 5.5.1 is a version of Unitron TrueFit for ReBranded Relate

Models (Relate 4.0, Relate 3.1, Relate 3.0, Relate 2.0, Relate)

Hansaton Scout 5.6 is a version of Unitron TrueFit for ReBranded Hansaton

Models (flow+, AQ sound SHD, sound SHD, AQ jam SHD, jam SHD, beat, flow, soundHD, jamHD, sound, jam)

Unknown ReBranded Models:

Audifon Audifit v5.6 is from an unknown manufacturer; Models (rega, kami, sino, faro, saga, libra, miro, vico, sueno, via pro) is available.

Audifon Audifit v5.8 is from an unknown manufacturer; Models (lewi R, lewi S, risa R, Risa S) Audifon Audifit v5.8 is not readily available?

Aura:fit AudioNova v5.6 is from an unknown manufacturer; Models (AudioNova v5.1 Models; (AudioNova B, AudioNova DX, AudioNova D, AudioNova T) and (NovaSense Elite, AudioNova Basic+, NovaSense Basic). This AudioNova/Novasense version is not readily available?

Also; the DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) access portals are at your finger tips via 24/7 cloud storage access.
  • Start here → DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) to find the access portals
  • You can easily find the Access Portals again/anytime, by clicking any PVC Avatar (click twice - counting the 2nd popup Avatar)
  • When logged in, you can find the Access Portals again/anytime, by clicking a Link in my Signature
  • And finally, you can perform a simple Internet search for "DIY School Hearing Aids"
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Read your PM/Conversation for information about how to find AuraFitVista 5.5.1 (a version of Unitron TrueFit for ReBranded Vista).
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Hello, could I kindly get a link to download the latest version of Rexton Rexfit/Connex (9.11 I believe). Thank you in advance!
Hi @dms Welcome;
Read your PM/Conversation for information about how to find Connexx 9.11.15/RexFit9.11.15
I'm so done with my new audiologist... after reading the DIY School Hearing Aids I would be very happy to have the Phonak Target Software to adjust my Audéo!
Hi @nacl;
Please read your PM/Conversation for info on how to find Phonak Target 10.0.0
Hi pvc,
Following the advice you gave me some time ago as I was trying (unsuccessfully) to fit a pair of old Oticon Alta 1 Pro, I now bought a pair of Phonak Audeo Paradise. Can you please share Phonak Target so that I be able to program them?
Hi @AndreiC
Please read your PM/Conversation for info on how to find Phonak Target 10.0.0

Legacy Hearing are more difficult to connect because of Hi-Pro/cables and adapters or flexstrips and such. For details about each type of cable connection (including Alta), run Genie (Legacy 2017.1), create-and-select a dummy client Joe Blow, Male, Birthday 1/1/1950, and then from Genie/FAMILY click Cable Overview in the left pane. It will give you a chart showing all of the Hi Pro/Cables/ with Adapter or Flexstrip connections.
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Hi @pvc , thanks for sharing useful information about DIY hearing aid fitting. I'm looking for Phonak Target 9.1.0 or latest version.

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