DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2)

Hi @Sungray Welcome;
Please read you conversation for info on how to find Phonak Target 9.1.1
Hi all,

I’m new to the forum but not to hearing aids, I have worn them for nearly 20 years now from Oticon, Phonak and now Danalogic, all on the NHS.

I’m currently on the Ambio 98S, my NHS trust audiologists are really friendly and attentive but unfortunately NHS are very strained on time these days.

I was wondering if anyone is kind enough to send me a link for the Danalogic/Resound Smart Fit software and possibly a code to get around NHS hearing aids?

Many thanks.
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Hi @Urquell88 Welcome;
Please read your PM/Conversation for information about how to find Danalogic 1.18 which is a version of GN ReSound's SmartFit.
I don't believe you will need a code. I think the software is all you need.
Sorry, I was busy with some other task. Are you okay, now. It's real easy to pull up any DIY School PDF file for reference.
I've been reading up on your helpful DIY's.

I've ordered the Noahlink which should be here tomorrow so I can play around then.
Hi @magic Welcome;
Please read your PM/Conversation for information about how to find Oticon Genie2 2024.1.22

HMm; But wait a minute, "for MAC"?? Well that depends. Here's a clip from a DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF file named (01 Free Hearing Aid Fitting Software);
But first, read this list of things to consider!  Hardware Prerequisites: In addition to getting the free fitting software, you will need a hearing aid programming device/hardware and maybe cables and connectors for Legacy hearing aids. For most (but not all) recently sold hearing aids (around 2023), the device you will need is a Noahlink Wireless or Noahlink Wireless 2. You cannot use Remote Fitting as it requires a professional account! Some manufacturers also require a hearing aid programming device for the initial programming as a prerequisite to Remote Fitting!  Will the fitting software work on my computer? The best answer for this question is typically found in a document published by the manufacturer and named (System Requirements). Generally, the fitting software works only on Windows Systems, or on Apple/Mac computers under emulation (example: Parallels Desktop for Mac or the free Boot Camp) though emulation still requires Windows to be installed. This is important; Emulation is just the first hurdle! Please note a second hurdle. These newer ARM processors (M1, M2 and soon M3, which are mostly Apple and even a few non-Apple computers) lack drivers for the most popular hearing aid programming device (Noahlink Wireless). In other words, your computer needs to be running (the older Intel Silicon processor, not the newer Apple ARM processor) in order to use the Noahlink Wireless driver. Computers with ARM processors (Apple Silicon M1, M2, M3) are listed in the DIY School PDF file (Noahlink Wireless - DIY User Guide).
can i get a link for Connexx 9.11.10/SiFit9.11.10 for Signia Newer/Current
Hi @d68 Welcome;
Please read your PM/Conversation shortly for info on how to find Connexx 9.11.15/SiFit9.11.15
@pvc, thank you so much for DIY school, I plan to use it to micro-fit my Oticon Real.
@magic - May I ask for the latest Genie2 link you got?
Also, did anyone purchase noahlink sold on alixpress? Is this the reliable source?
I have successfully purchased from Aliexpress several times. Though it is shipped from China so don't count on returning something you don't like.
Could i please get a link to the latest Genie software for oticon, I had it on a previous laptop but forgot to copy the file when i sold it on.

No problem, Please read your PM/Conversation for how to find Oticon Genie2 2024.1.22
PVC's Oticon More 1's with Oticon custom molds +Plus Canal Locks. The receivers are permanently encased in the molds (non removable). These took a bit of getting used to the feeling of hard-acrylic-plugs in your ears. But after a few weeks the uncomfortable feeling dissipates.
Image provided by PVC's DIY School official photographer ;)


Since the Oticon More 1's have dual-action buttons (Up-button and Down-Button on each side) the buttons are setup as;
  • Left Hearing Aid Button-Up for Volume Control Up
  • Left Hearing Aid Button-Down for Volume Control Down
  • Right Hearing Aid Button-Up for Program change Up
  • Right Hearing Aid Button-Down for Program change Down
  • Shutdown is shutdown, very long press on any button. Also, you can restart the hearing aids with a very long press.
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Sorry about asking a question about an old post, but new on here and going through the posts. I noticed the ear mold above had "canal locks" on them. I have a problem with my left custom mold backing itself out of my ear. I have to constantly push it back in when I notice. I was thinking about getting a new mold to make it tighter, but wondered if the canal lock helps keep it in place. That might be an option to add if that is the case.