Signia Insio 5X - Xperience

I will try first conexx 9.8 when you sending it maybe it will work
Intried it last night... Connexx version 8.5 dosent work and same problem
Do you think maybe starkey straight cabel cs44 need to reverse pin 3 and pin4??? Even i dont know how but i see you sent picts befor about it
Connexx 8.5.1/SiFit 8.5.1, not 9.8.
Red and Blue cables are the same cable. They are color-coded to help you distinguish right/left. It makes no difference.
  • Industry standard CS44 cables have a different pinout than Starkey Purple/Straight Cable.
  • Phonak/Unitron HAs use different cables (CS44a, not the standard CS44 cables) because Phonak/Unitron has pins 3&4 switched for some obscure reason.
  • Signia uses Industry standard CS44 cables.
Can Starkey Purple/Straight Cable be substituted for Industry standard CS44 cables? I don't think so, But I don't know for sure?
i use the 3pin with cs44 cables
Details are important. Actually you were using flexstrips with Starkey Purple/Straight Cables.
Intried it last night... Connexx version 8.5 dosent work and same problem
Details are important. I think you tried Connexx 8.5.5/SiFit 8.5.6 last night,
not Connexx 8.5.1/SiFit 8.5.1

The two are different versions!
I will try the Connexx 8.5. 1 hope it will work.
I call the audiolgist and asked him about Connexx version installed on centre he told me its 9.11 which i tried before
But he said maybe cs44 cable not correct or not standard as it used on starkey hearing aid
But he said maybe cs44 cable not correct or not standard as it used on starkey hearing aid
Industry standard CS44 cables are correct
Starkey Purple/Straight Cables are not correct
you are right starkey cs44 not standard cables
wish i can make it standard as its have 4 pins , i man revers cable pins 3 and 4 but i dont know how its arrangement i dont have pict how its arrange the 4 pins < i will try the connexx version u sent now and telling you what will happen .
Hey. Its the same not connected.
Last night when u installed the Connexx7.
Its giving me the hearing aid its support with Connexx6
Mayne not important msg
You misunderstand. Phonak/Unitron Cables has pins 3&4 switched, NOT Starkey Purple/Straight Cables.
Its giving me the hearing aid its support with Connexx6
Maybe so? But without standard CS44 cables, it doesn't matter.
so now i must order new cable ?? CS44 standard cable....
no chance to connecting it with starkey cable
Thanks alot sure i will see it and reading and telling you what i will try with starkey cable
I will test ohm between pin 4 and 3?? How much it would be? I think the standard CS44 is 3 leads only
2 pins for dc voltage or 1 pin with chasi
Pins for programming on programmer

Maybe im wrong..
Hope you find the image you lost when you pinout starkey CS44
I will try compare the readings from your CS44 standard if you send it
I will test ohm between pin 4 and 3?? How much it would be?
No don't do that. It doesn't prove anything. We already know that pins 3&4 are reversed for CA44/CS44a.
Test all four pins 1 thru 4 on Starkey Purple/Straight Cables. Pins 5&6 are not used.

CS44 Pinout:
CS44 Mini-DIN Male Pin 1 = CS44 miniature Female Pin 2
CS44 Mini-DIN Male Pin 2 = CS44 miniature Female Pin 1
CS44 Mini-DIN Male Pin 3 = CS44 miniature Female Pin 3
CS44 Mini-DIN Male Pin 4 = CS44 miniature Female Pin 4

CS44a Pinout:
CS44a Mini-DIN Male Pin 1 = CS44a miniature Female Pin 2
CS44a Mini-DIN Male Pin 2 = CS44a miniature Female Pin 1
CS44a Mini-DIN Male Pin 3 = CS44a miniature Female Pin 4
CS44a Mini-DIN Male Pin 4 = CS44a miniature Female Pin 3

Hope you find the image you lost when you pinout starkey CS44
I did not lose the pinouts for Starkey CS44. There is no such thing as a Starkey CS44.
I lost the pinout for Starkey Purple/Straight Cables.
Hopefully you have success recreating a pinout for Starkey Purple/Straight Cables.
Test all four pins 1 thru 4 on Starkey Purple/Straight Cables.

Here's a CS44 Closeup with the pins marked. Please note the Blue Alignment Slot and Marker. The Slot forces alignment because it only fits one way.
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Thanks so much
I will try to understand it
Seem very hard to make it as CS44 standard
I will test starkey cable and compare what the different on Lines in standard CS44
Its not ok
Pin 1 on end of cable female is connect with 3 and
1 connected with 3
2 connected 1
3 connected with 4
4 connected with 3
Its not as standard CS44 cable
I cut the Starkey cable to arrange wires
I did it but still same problem
I mean i make a starkey cable same as standard CS44
I soldiered the wires same as standard CS44

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