Getting new Oticon Intent 1's soon - Got em!

Older More Contactless Travel charger on left and newer Intent Travel charger on right with (+/-) contacts;

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HMm; Something is different about the new style Travel Charger for Oticon Intents.
  • The travel charger's built-in battery is lasting a very long time!
  • It's still on three-green-dots after multiple days of charging and not being plugged in to a power source.
  • HMm; I can't find the manual for this new travel charger?
  • I wonder how long/(how many days) the built-in battery will last while travelling?
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HMm; I think I may have an early release Travel Charger. I can't find any mention of a new Travel Charger for Oticon Intent??? Maybe the VA/Veterans Administration is getting these first before they are released for retail audiologists? I dunno? It's smaller in all dimensions and it seems to have a more powerful built-in battery because it has been staying on (3-dots = full charge). My older charger battery only lasts for 3-days of travel charge. Here's both chargers for size comparison with the Intent Travel Charger on the bottom.

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While driving my car, I hear road noise much clearer with the Intents and I noticed a clack-clack-clack noise, but I didn't pay much attention to the noise because there were many noises (computers, household appliances, and such) that I could hear with clarity. So today I went for a drive and listened intently for that specific noise. It didn't sound very good, and it was coming from my left front area.

So I inspected the left front tire. Voila! There's a screw in the left front tire. To be fair, I guess it is possible that I picked up the screw in my tire at the same time that I got Oticon Intents. So (as a test) I switched hearing aids to the older Mores and went for a drive again. Yes I can still hear it with the Mores. But it is much fainter and this was with my windows open. In summary, (I can't say for sure) but I believe the Intents helped me discover this road hazard tire damage! It's a Phillips screw!

ETA/Edit to Add; Yes I can say for sure! She recalls hearing that noise before I got the Oticon Intents. Therefore I heard it too with my previous hearing aids. But it was the extra sound clarity with Oticon Intents that made me notice that the noise was serious and required my attention.
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When you lay them out this way, the Intent doesn't look as short as they make it out to be compared to the More or Real.
It's pretty impressive that you can hear that nail sound on your tire with the windows down.
When you lay them out this way, the Intent doesn't look as short as they make it out to be compared to the More or Real.
The image was taken with the Intents in front of the Mores so there is a slight distance-perspective going on with the cellphone camera. But not much! So you are right, it's not much smaller as represented in that Oticon picture with as dashed line (-----) showing the size difference.

They are very comfortable and I forget they are on my ears. But that may be the result of the new-style miniFit Detect receivers.
Another night of charging for my unplugged (and undocumented) new-style Travel Charger. It still has 3-Green Dots of charge left!

Okay that's it. No more guessing about how many unplugged charges this new-style Travel Charger will dispense. I am going to plug the charger in today and start counting charge cycles tonight. I get 3-Amber lights when I plug it in, and I am guessing that means it is charging its internal battery.
  • Approximately one hour-or-so later the Intent Travel charger's built-in battery is fully charged (going from 3-Amber lights to no-lights) and when you open the charger door you get (3-Green Lights). Travel charger is now unplugged and ready to start testing for how many unplugged charge cycles will be possible. I will mark each unplugged charge cycle here.
  • Unplugged-Travel-Charge #1 completed June-21-2024, Travel Charger status = 3 Green Dots
  • Unplugged-Travel-Charge #2 completed June-22-2024, Travel Charger status = 3 Green Dots
  • Unplugged-Travel-Charge #3 completed June-23-2024, Travel Charger status = 2 Green Dots
  • Unplugged-Travel-Charge #4 completed June-24-2024, Travel Charger status = 2 Green Dots
  • Unplugged-Travel-Charge #5 completed June-25-2024, Travel Charger status = 2 Green Dots
  • Unplugged-Travel-Charge #6 completed June-26-2024, Travel Charger status = 2 Green Dots
  • Unplugged-Travel-Charge #7 completed June-27-2024, Travel Charger status = 1 Green Dot
  • Unplugged-Travel-Charge #8 completed June-28-2024, Travel Charger status = 1 Green Dot
  • Unplugged-Travel-Charge #9 completed June-29-2024, Travel Charger status = 1 Green Dot
  • Unplugged-Travel-Charge #10 completed June-30-2024, Travel Charger status = 1 Orange Dot
  • Unplugged-Travel-Charge #11 completed July-01-2024, Travel Charger status = 1 Orange Dot
  • Unplugged-Travel-Charge #12 completed July-02-2024, Travel Charger status = No lights, hearing aids were partially charged to (100%-98%) and charger had shut down (no lights). Removing the hearing aids from the shut-down charger did not start the hearing aids. Though, after providing USB-C power to the shut-down charger it reacted with 1 slowly pulsing Orange Dot, then after several minutes (maybe 10 or 20 minutes) it progressed to 1 solid Orange Dot, then 2 solid Orange Dots, then 3 solid range Dots. Perhaps it took about one hour or so total time for the charger to automatically replenish its built-in internal battery.
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For purposes of size comparison let's forget about the cellphone macro images because they tend to require direct sunlight and you must insure that your own human shadow doesn't get recorded in the image, and therefore it further requires that you take the picture from an angle.

So for size comparison purposes were are switching to a real camera, and we captured this image from a straight 90-degree angle above the hearing aids.

Oticon More 1 on the Left and Oticon Intent 1 on the right; Shorter Design? Pfft! Maybe just a little!

Also, do notice there is no battery door on the Oticon Intent meaning that Oticon/Demant has joined the crowd by manufacturing disposable hearing aids. In other words, hopefully you can get the batteries replaced, once via factory repair, in a few years, while the hearing aids are still under warranty. After that, (factory repair paid by the owner) is likely too expensive. Thus your hearing aids become disposable. Or, whatever else you want to call it?

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Great that you got the Intents, @pvc! I'll be following your journey, please keep sharing your experience :). I notice more resolution, separation, and clarity with the Intents. Btw, which fitting formula do you use?

@Volusiano, I think I never mentioned that I ended up buying a pair of Intents 1 off ebay from a guy in the UK. Got his contact from someone in a thread you know where. US 2.5k a pair.
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Btw, which fitting formula do you use?
The VA uses Oticon’s proprietary VAC+ (Voice Aligned Compression) fitting rationale with additional REM/Real Ear Measurements.

What Oticon says about VAC+;

Optimizing the audibility of soft sounds without over-amplifying other background sounds is a delicate balancing act, because every patient’s brain processes soft sounds differently. What sounds soft to one person with hearing loss may seem uncomfortably loud to another. This presents a challenge because soft, high frequency speech sounds are part of about 75% of everyday listening environments, not just quieter, one-on-one communications.

Oticon Premium and Advanced devices use a proprietary fitting rationale called Voice Aligned Compression, or VAC+. VAC+ uses a curvilinear input-output function to provide a clear focus on soft to moderate speech information while maintaining perception in louder environments.
With the Intents, I switched from VAC+ to DSL v5, and that has further improved my experience with the Intents in noisy environments (to some extent, with my Mores as well, which are now my backups). VAC+ is very comfortable for me because it masks my tinnitus and works great in simple environments, but I always struggled a little bit with it in more complex situations.
I switched from VAC+ to DSL v5, and that has further improved my experience with the Intents in noisy environments
I hesitate to try this because it would cause a new Rx/Prescription, and that would change my gain settings. Which is okay, that is what it is supposed to do. But then I would also lose my (best practice) REM/Real Ear Adjustments. I want to keep the REM adjustments.
I hesitate to try this because it would cause a new Rx/Prescription, and that would change my gain settings. Which is okay, that is what it is supposed to do. But then I would also lose my (best practice) REM/Real Ear Adjustments. I want to keep the REM adjustments.
Yes, you're right and I'd do the same. My REM experience was really frustrating. I plan to try it again if I find a good HCP who can help me with that. For now, I've been relying on in-situ as an alternative.
  • Unplugged-Travel-Charge #1 completed June-21-2024, Travel Charger status = 3 Green Dots
  • Unplugged-Travel-Charge #2 completed June-22-2024, Travel Charger status = 3 Green Dots
  • Unplugged-Travel-Charge #3 completed June-23-2024, Travel Charger status = 2 Green Dots
These are the test results thus far on my unplugged (and undocumented) new-style Travel Charger for Oticon Intents. I am wondering if this means a total of five days of travel charging? Tomorrow should reveal that five days is the limit if it signals 1 Green Dot tomorrow. Thus far it seems that the new-style Travel Charger has a greater charging capacity then the previous Travel Charger for Oticon (More and Real).

I am also wondering if the difference is simply due to the efficiency rating for the two different charging technologies;
  • inductive for More/Real
  • traditional-wired for Intent
The efficiency rate of inductive chargers usually falls between 70% and 80%. This is slightly lower than the 90% to 95% efficiency rate often seen in traditional wired charging.
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@Volusiano, I think I never mentioned that I ended up buying a pair of Intents 1 off ebay from a guy in the UK. Got his contact from someone in a thread you know where. US 2.5k a pair.
Wow, that's such a great deal. Can you PM me this eBay contact? I assume that you're in the US, right? I also assume that they're new aids, but probably warranty is not included?
  • Unplugged-Travel-Charge #1 completed June-21-2024, Travel Charger status = 3 Green Dots
  • Unplugged-Travel-Charge #2 completed June-22-2024, Travel Charger status = 3 Green Dots
  • Unplugged-Travel-Charge #3 completed June-23-2024, Travel Charger status = 2 Green Dots
  • Unplugged-Travel-Charge #4 completed June-24-2024, Travel Charger status = 2 Green Dots
  • Unplugged-Travel-Charge #5 completed June-25-2024, Travel Charger status = 2 Green Dots
Still charging the Intent 1's without refreshing the charger battery!
As per the → Oticon Intent Product Guide;
  • the new miniFit Detect receivers require miniFit Prowax filters, (black clamshell tools for wax filter replacement). However, my Oticon Molds require Prowax filters (light gray clamshell tools) meaning the mold filter size is bigger than the receiver filter size.
  • also there is a brand new receiver size ear measurement tool (shown below)
  • also Ear Grips are now available for miniFit Detect 100 receivers, previously it was only for 60 and 85 miniFit receivers and I don't know if the Ear Grips are interchangeable between (miniFit Detect and miniFit) receivers?

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