DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2)

Hi @pvc , thanks for sharing useful information about DIY hearing aid fitting. I'm looking for Phonak Target 9.1.0 or latest version.
Hi @he_bil Welcome;
Please read your PM/Conversation for info on how to find Phonak Target 10.0.0
HI Oticon; I don't think that Unitron fitting software (Unitron TrueFit 5.6.0) will work for ReBranded Vista hearing aids and also for ReBranded SpecSaver hearing aids. Here's a clip below from a DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF File named (Unlocking ReBranded Hearing Aids). I think you will need AuraFit/Vista 5.5.1 for the Vista ReBranded hearing aids. I dunno what you need for Specsaver hearing aids? Do you know the manufacturer for the Specsaver hearing aids?

CLIP follows:

Unitron ReBranded Models:

AuraFit/Aura:fit 5.5.1 is a version of Unitron TrueFit for ReBranded Vista

Models (Vista V, Vista B, Vista DX, Vista D, Vista Basic +, Vista T, Vista N, Vista)

AuraFit Relate/Aura:fit 5.5.1 is a version of Unitron TrueFit for ReBranded Relate

Models (Relate 4.0, Relate 3.1, Relate 3.0, Relate 2.0, Relate)

Hansaton Scout 5.6 is a version of Unitron TrueFit for ReBranded Hansaton

Models (flow+, AQ sound SHD, sound SHD, AQ jam SHD, jam SHD, beat, flow, soundHD, jamHD, sound, jam)

Unknown ReBranded Models:

Audifon Audifit v5.6 is from an unknown manufacturer; Models (rega, kami, sino, faro, saga, libra, miro, vico, sueno, via pro) is available.

Audifon Audifit v5.8 is from an unknown manufacturer; Models (lewi R, lewi S, risa R, Risa S) Audifon Audifit v5.8 is not readily available?

Aura:fit AudioNova v5.6 is from an unknown manufacturer; Models (AudioNova v5.1 Models; (AudioNova B, AudioNova DX, AudioNova D, AudioNova T) and (NovaSense Elite, AudioNova Basic+, NovaSense Basic). This AudioNova/Novasense version is not readily available?

Also; the DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) access portals are at your finger tips via 24/7 cloud storage access.
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I tried replying to DM, but keep getting: "Your content can not be submitted. This is likely because your content is spam-like or contains inappropriate elements. Please change your content or try again later. If you still have problems, please contact an administrator."

Any chance of DM again for the AuraFit? it said Expired :(
Hello. I would appreciate help with locating the fitting software for my Costco KS-9 Hearing Aids. I think that this would be the Phonak Target 9x/10x software. I have ordered a Noahlink Wireless 2 via Amazon. Thanks for your help! Claude
Hi @Claude1183 Welcome;
Correctamundo; Please read your PM/Conversation for info on how to find Phonak Target 10.0.0
Thanks so much for the fast reply, links and all your work to help others! It's greatly appreciated!

I cannot find the Oasis nxt 24.1 program to set up the Bernafon Viron 9.
I hope for your help!
Hi @Sashko Welcome;
Please read your PM/Conversation for info on how to find Bernafon OasisNXT 2024.1.22 for newer/current Bernafon hearing aids.
Hi @Sashko Welcome;
Please read your PM/Conversation for info on how to find Bernafon OasisNXT 2024.1.22 for newer/current Bernafon hearing aids.
Many thanks to PVC!
I didn't even expect such a quick response!
I installed Oasis nxt 24.1 and am now updating to version 24.2.
I will now study the procedure for setting up hearing aids.
Thank you for your help:)
I installed Oasis nxt 24.1 and am now updating to version 24.2.
Thanks for that. My version was not taking updates. Perhaps because I am always switching to various versions for testing. After switching to a virgin image of of my C:\ drive, 24.2 has become available. So I'm up to date now. :cool:
Thanks for that. My version was not taking updates. Perhaps because I am always switching to various versions for testing. After switching to a virgin image of of my C:\ drive, 24.2 has become available. So I'm up to date now. :cool:
Hello PVC!
Maybe you have Noah 4 to install without a license?
Here's a clip from a DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF File named (02 How to Program your Hearing Aids);

Self Programming Don’ts:

When installing hearing aid fitting software don’t choose the option to participate in the improve software feature. No need to have extra automatic communication with manufacturer!!

Don’t use the Noah system software (currently Noah4 or Noah-ES). Noah system software is never required for any manufacturer’s fitting software. Professional Audiologists need the Noah system software to group many clients into a one Noah database and provide automatic startup interfaces for the different manufacturer’s fitting software. If you are a self-programmer, it is simpler and cheaper to run the manufacturer’s fitting software standalone. When fitting software is run standalone it will use its own database. Repeat,,, Do not use the Noah System software!
Вот отрывок из PDF-файла «Сделай сам: школьные слуховые аппараты» (v2.2) под названием ( 02 Как запрограммировать слуховые аппараты );

Недопустимые действия при самостоятельном программировании:

При установке ПО для настройки слуховых аппаратов не выбирайте опцию участия в функции улучшения ПО. Нет необходимости в дополнительной автоматической связи с производителем!!

Не используйте системное программное обеспечение Noah (в настоящее время Noah4 или Noah-ES). Системное программное обеспечение Noah никогда не требуется для программного обеспечения настройки любого производителя. Профессиональным аудиологам системное программное обеспечение Noah необходимо для группировки множества клиентов в одну базу данных Noah и предоставления автоматических интерфейсов запуска для программного обеспечения настройки разных производителей. Если вы программист-самоучка, проще и дешевле запустить программное обеспечение настройки производителя автономно. Когда программное обеспечение настройки запускается автономно, оно будет использовать свою собственную базу данных. Повторяю,,, Не используйте программное обеспечение системы Noah!
Thanks for the clarification, now I will know this feature of using the program.
Read you PM/Conversation soon (several minutes) for information on how to find HANSATON scout 5.4
Looking for the Rexton Connexx 9.11 software. Anyone willing to share? Thanks.
Hi @lamcom Welcome;
Read you PM/Conversation soon (several minutes) for information on how to find Connexx 9.11.15/RexFit9.11.15 for Rexton Newer/Current
All Hearing Aid fitting software is designed to run on Windows only. Though, it can be run using emulation (Parallels, or free Boot Camp) for Apple computers. Though, there is another problem that may (or may not) affect you. That is, if your Apple computer is (Apple Silicon and not Intel Silicon) then you will be missing a driver for Noahlink Wireless hearing aid programming device. Here's a clip from a DIY School Hearing Aids PDF file named (01 Free Hearing Aid Fitting Software).
View attachment 52
I would like a link to download the latest Phonak Target software please

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