Connexx 9

The moral of the story is; Try it again using the AudioService flavor of Connexx.

Sorry, I wasn't initially clear? I was multitasking. I dropped my camera. It didn't take a big hit because I softened the blow against the deck with my foot. But it still suffered a big enough hit to jam my Nikon Z 24-70mm F/4 lens so that I can't zoom anymore. It's stuck. :mad:

So I followed this → Video Procedure. Each step must be followed in a precise sequence. I think I've got it fixed and the difficult steps are done and it zooms again. Now I'm taking a break before completing the last few easy steps. :D

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Pfft! That didn't work out well. I stripped out the screwdriver head on one of the tiniest of screws. Can't buy replacement screws! Bummer.
Hi @Rince Welcome;
Please read your PM/conversation for info on how to find Connexx 9.12.0/SiFit9.12.10 for Signia Newer/Current