Connexx 9

Let's see if we can determine which Signia BTE model you have?

Here's a link to

Try clicking + to enlarge that page, which hearing BTE aid model do you have? You can also click (< and >) to turn pages.
  • Motion primax?
  • Motion binax?
  • Motion micron?
The 5X refers to the Features with the highest number (7X) having all of the available features and the 5X being de-featured and the 3X being de-featured even more.
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Thank you @pvc , it reads ”Signia Motion C&G P 5X” in the iPhone hearing aids setting. So I guess it is the very basic Motion? (not even Motion X?)
it reads ”Signia Motion C&G P 5X” in the iPhone hearing aids setting.
That narrows it down. Charge&Go is part of the model name. You are confusing Model name with (Features = 7X, 5X, 3X, 2X, 1X) which is not hard to do.

Model (Motion Charge&Go P X) where X means (Xpierence platform)
See Page 8;
See Page 48; for which hearing aid programming device to use.

See your PM/Conversation for how to find Connexx 9.12.3/SiFit9.12.1 for Signia Newer/Current
Here's a clip from the DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF File (Big-5 Platforms/New Chips) showing the Signia Platforms;

WS Audiology-Sivantos/Signia-Siemens, Rexton, Widex

2023-Q3Signia-IXPure Charge&Go IX
2021-Q1Signia-AXPure Charge&Go AX
2018-Q3Signia XMotion Charge&Go X, Pure 312 X, Styletto X, Silk X, Motion X SP
2018-Q2Widex SoundSenseEVOKE
2017-Q4Signia NxPure, Motion, Silk, Insio, Kirkland Signature 8, Costco Rexton Adore
2016-Q2Signia-PrimaxAce, Pure, Motion, Insio, Kirkland Signature 7
2014-Q3Signia-BinaxPure, Carat, Ace
2020-Q1Widex MOMENT2024-Q1 SMARTRIC is this a bent Signia Styletto?
2022-Q3 Sheer - Same as MOMENT but ReChargeable
2020-Q1 MOMENT
2029-Q1 Sivantos and Widex merge as WS Audiology A/S
See Page 48; for which hearing aid programming device to use.
Which says Yes, you can use Noahlink Wireless 2 (or Noahlink Wireless if you already have one).
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ - Merry Christmas
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hi @pvc
Would you be kind enough to provide a download link for Signia's Connexx 9 software, please? I have a set of Signia Pure Charge and Go 7Nx and a pair of Signia Silk 7nX which I'd like to adjust.

Many thanks!
Have been reading a number of forum posts as well as what I can find online.
Just purchased (from Ziphearing) and was fitted locally with a new set of Signia Styletto 7IX.
Have a Noahlink 2.0 on order and would appreciate it if you could point me to a download source for the appropriate Signia software.
Would like to check the fitting, options, and possibly experiment.
I assume that is some version of Connexx is required.
I saw a website advertising version for sale.
Would that be the latest and greatest? and would that be what is required?
Thanks - I appreciate your expertise and any advice you can provide.
I saw a website advertising version for sale.
Would that be the latest and greatest? and would that be what is required?
Never pay for free fitting software. They usually sell old versions. Maybe they downloaded from the community share procedure and decided to sell it. Yes, you should use Connexx 9.12.3/SiFit9.12.1 for Signia Newer/Current. Read your PM/Private Message/Conversation.
Hi there

would anyone be able to supply me with a link to the Connexx9.12.2/SiFit9.12.1 (or latest) software please?
Hi, wondered if anyone could help with a link to the Connexx9.12.2/SiFit9.12.1 software? pair of Silk X I'd like to play with....thanks in advance
Read your PM/Private Message/Conversation for information on how to find Connexx9.12.3/SiFit9.12.1

Here's a clip from DIY School Legacy Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF File named (Choose Hardware-Programming Device for Signia)
  • Legend: NW = Noahlink Wireless/Caution: Noah, NOAHlink & Noahlink Wireless are 3 different things
  • Legend: HP = (Hi Pro or mini Pro) with standard cs44 cables and also maybe flexstrips or adapters
  • Legend: ConnexxAir ConnexxLink = themselves (ConnexxAir ConnexxLink)

  • 2023-Q3 Click ITE Silk IX ConnexxAir
  • 2021-Q2 Click Active Pro NW
  • 2021-Q2 Click Active NW
  • 2020-Q3 Click ITE Silk X ConnexxAir,or HP with cables and flexstrips