Search results

  1. Alex

    Maximum output of hearing aids in DB

    Nothing in terms of total attenuation is possible this way and the molds may have a rating of dB rating. It's hard to answer this without knowing more about the molds. It's plausible that harmful levels could pass through. The game ears are designed to shut down at a certain rating, but that...
  2. Alex

    Hearing aid dome tips

    There things are all dependent on the design of the product and the availability of the manufacturer. Unfortunately, there is no aftermarket solution for this.
  3. Alex

    Free Full Service or Paid Support?

    Depending on your hearing loss as always, hearing aid technology is very subjective. Every hearing aid manufacturer has comparable technology and sometimes practitioners are only able to deal with one manufacturer. The Opn 1 is a very good hearing aid, but so is the Phonak B90 and Resound...
  4. Alex

    Desperately looking for this certain BTE aid

    Every now and then I find my old hearing aid of choice (Oticon PerSonic) on Ebay. Have you tried going that route?
  5. Alex

    Did you know that people who suffer hearing loss are prone to developing dementia

    Dementia is a condition affecting individuals mainly above 65 years of age, which is caused by memory loss and other mental inabilities. Currently, dementia has no known effective cure, making it a high risk and highly expensive disease to manage. A report by Commission on Dementia...
  6. Alex

    School season is here! are you keeping your hearing health routine in check this fall

    Summer is over -- the beach balls, sun hats, and bathing suits are finally stored away, and in their place come the books, backpacks, pencils, pens, and calculators. Yes, finally, it's that time of the year again. The start of the school year can be quite a busy time for most people, especially...
  7. Alex

    Hi I'm new here

    Hello and welcome aboard! Have you tried searching for the hearing aid on Ebay? Every now and then I find an old hearing aid I grew up wearing listed on Ebay.
  8. Alex

    Anyone ever feel embarrassed about wearing hearing aids?

    If you're a hearing aid wearer, you shouldn't feel unattractive or embarrassed to wear hearing aids. Almost no one feels that way when wearing glasses. Read What do you think?
  9. Alex

    hello every one...

    Hello and welcome aboard, Ron! :wave:
  10. Alex

    How Do Hearing Aids Work Anyway?

    For the vast majority of the hearing impaired, hearing aids are the only option for correcting hearing loss and resuming a high quality of life. Today’s hearing aids are tiny technological devices, and many options are available to suit every preference, budget, hearing loss and lifestyle...
  11. Alex

    Hi from RI

    Hello and welcome aboard, Dan~!
  12. Alex


    Hello and welcome aboard, Jason! When you get a chance, why don't you tell us a bit more about the hearing aid you use and why you like/dislike it.
  13. Alex

    Replacement Analog aids

    Hello there, I've tried digital hearing aids in the past and don't like them, so I stick with analog ones (Oticon PerSonic). Since they are becoming rare, what I do is go to Ebay and set it up so that I get notified of newly listed analog hearing aids. So far I've collected 4 and they are are...
  14. Alex

    Hi everyone!

    Hello and welcome aboard, guys! :wave:
  15. Alex

    New here

    Hello and welcome aboard! :wave:
  16. Alex

    new hearing aids

    Hi there. Glad you found something you like for your hearing needs. No matter how many times I've tried digital HAs, I always go back to analog. ;)
  17. Alex

    New to forum, but long-time hearing loss

    Hello and welcome aboard! Are the hearing aids digital or analog? Either way, you can take it to your local audiologist, get a hearing test, then they'll adjust the aids for you. Let us know how you did with the hearing aids.
  18. Alex

    Hearing loss linked to smoking?

    What do you guys think about hearing loss being linked to smoking? Any regular smokers here noticed any hearing loss or tinnitus throughout the years? Here's an article about the topic: The Fate of Your Hearing Could be In the Air | Hearing Aid Blog
  19. Alex

    New Member

    Hello and welcome aboard, Joseph! :wave: I, too, find it a bit difficult playing guitar wearing a digital hearing aid (Phonak). It seems like a digital hearing aid, in general, makes sounds sound thin and robotic. I think a digital hearing aid is ideal when being around and talking to people...
  20. Alex

    Hello All :)

    Hello and welcome aboard! :)