So @lamcom -> to summarize, your copy of HearSuite didn't work but reinstalling @pvc 's copy of his HearSuite works? Where did you get your copy of HearSuite in the first place? Did you record your HearSuite's version number and the one from @pvc to compare to see if they are different...
Thanks for the tip. I didn't realize that the streaming volume will remember the manual adjustment you make on the buttons for next time use. I always thought that you'd have to go into Genie 2 to adjust the default for a permanent change. I always assumed that anything you do on the manual...
I concur with @pvc , there's really no major issue on the Intent as compared to the Real. The only disadvantage of the Intent is that the rechargeable battery is now not easily replaceable at the HCP office anymore. It must be sent back to the factory to be replaced. But it was suggested by...
My understanding is that older generation audiometry equipment cannot support ACT. And even if you have a newer generation audiometer that can support ACT, you will also need to buy a license in order to use ACT. I have no idea how much such a license costs, and whether it's a one-time license...
In case it hasn't been said somewhere before in this thread or in links from this thread, the Oticon Genie 2 software does give the option to input the result of the ACT test into it so that it can use it as a criteria to determine how to most appropriately set the parameters in the MoreSound...
A word of caution. If the smart charger's battery goes bad and you can readily get a replacement from the VA again easily, then by all means experiment to see how many cycles you can really get out of it. But I just saw a thread in the other forum (Philips charger system error?) where the OP...
The idea for in-situ is that part of the individual characteristic of that particular hearing aid, regardless of the model, but the actual unit itself, combined with the receiver as a whole system, is what should be involved in the in-situ testing. Based on this, if you just transfer the...
Wow, that's such a great deal. Can you PM me this eBay contact? I assume that you're in the US, right? I also assume that they're new aids, but probably warranty is not included?
Now you're making me feel excited about getting my own Intent. I'm waiting to hit my max out of pocket on my medical insurance, which should allow me to get the Intent with 100% of its cost covered. Hopefully later on this year.