Widex Compass GPS 4.8 - New Release - May 2024


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2023
Reaction score
  • The Updater was updated (see below)
  • No new hearing aid models!!
  • I would take this update if I were you (see red highlighted text below)

In COMPASS GPS V4.8, we have added support for more types of AutoREM equipment. COMPASS GPS V4.8 supports the following AutoREM modules (new modules supported marked in bold text):
• Affinity Suite
• OTOsuite
• Primus Module
• Measure Module
• Unity Module
The AutoREM process has not changed. We only added the possibility to use a number of different types of equipment and new software modules to let you make even more precise fitting verifications using external equipment.
The external, automatic update service software that we have used up till now will be discontinued by the provider this summer. We have changed to use another piece of software that will ensure that you can have your COMPASS GPS installation updated automatically in the future.
Therefore, it is extremely important that you make sure that all installations of COMPASS GPS are updated to version 4.8 before the end of August 2024. Otherwise, you will lose the possibility to automatically update your installation.
You will not see any difference in your COMPASS GPS Updater. It is only the software behind the updater that will change.
We have updated the System information dialog box to include more information, thus making it easier to check whether your system meets the requirements for running COMPASS GPS.

To open the System information dialog box, select About COMPASS GPS from the Help menu, and select the System info link in the dialog box displayed. The System information dialog box contains a lot of information about your system and compares it to the requirements for running COMPASS GPS. From the dialog box, you can save or print the information.
I'm having problems upgrading and installing Compass GPS 4.8, it tells me it can't find Compass.msi.
When I try to uninstall Compass GPS, it also tells me that it can't find Compass.msi!
After fixing it with the Compass GPS 4.7 installer and then upgrading to Compass GPS 4.8, everything was OK.
Would really appreciate a download link for Compass GPS 4.8 w/ standalone database please!
Hi @eelight Welcome;
Please read your PM/Private Message/Conversation for information on how to find Widex Compass GPS 4.8.
Would really appreciate a download link for Compass GPS 4.8 w/ standalone database please!
If you encounter problems with installation then read a DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) aka DIY Self Programming for Hearing Aids PDF File named (01 Free Hearing Aid Fitting Software) and scroll down to the Alphabetized by Manufacturer Widex Section. Spoiler Alert!! It starts with this;
Widex Compass GPS - username/password; When you run Compass GPS simply accept default Initials/Password (ADM/GPS) and click Log in. Some ppl mistakenly think that you can enter your own password. You cannot enter you own password. You must accept the default password and continue by clicking (Log in).
Many thanks! I installed Compass GPS Version 4.8 from the zipped file, the installation seemed to complete ok, but when I start the program and sign into the database, I get only a blank window. I am running Windows 11. Any idea what might be going on?
If you encounter problems with installation then read a DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) aka DIY Self Programming for Hearing Aids PDF File named (01 Free Hearing Aid Fitting Software) and scroll down to the Alphabetized by Manufacturer Widex Section. Spoiler Alert!! It starts with this;
Widex Compass GPS - username/password; When you run Compass GPS simply accept default Initials/Password (ADM/GPS) and click Log in. Some ppl mistakenly think that you can enter your own password. You cannot enter you own password. You must accept the default password and continue by clicking (Log in).
Did you do this? If not, then Uninstall and Install it again.
Did you do this? If not, then Uninstall and Install it again.
Yes, I saw it and followed the instructions. Still, I Uninstalled, as you suggested. After several repeats of the uninstall-reboot-reinstall cycle without any improvement, I solved my problem in a different way: I created a new Windows user, and installed Compass GPS there. It now works like a charm.
My problem, it seems, was related to Windows. I thought perhaps Firewall settings, although in the end I concluded it was unlikely. I will continue to try to diagnose the problem, but for now I am happily Fine Tuning my HAs, which was, after all, the objective. Incidentally, I am using USB Link to connect, you first need to select it within Compass GPS -> Session Start -> Compass Setup.
Perhaps my tale will be of some use to others. Thank you for your interest and offers to help.
Hi @Mön Welcome;
Please read your PM/Private Message/Conversation for information on how to find Widex Compass GPS 4.8.
Hi! Can I wave a download link
  • The Updater was updated (see below)
  • No new hearing aid models!!
  • I would take this update if I were you (see red highlighted text below)

In COMPASS GPS V4.8, we have added support for more types of AutoREM equipment. COMPASS GPS V4.8 supports the following AutoREM modules (new modules supported marked in bold text):
• Affinity Suite
• OTOsuite
• Primus Module
• Measure Module
• Unity Module
The AutoREM process has not changed. We only added the possibility to use a number of different types of equipment and new software modules to let you make even more precise fitting verifications using external equipment.
The external, automatic update service software that we have used up till now will be discontinued by the provider this summer. We have changed to use another piece of software that will ensure that you can have your COMPASS GPS installation updated automatically in the future.
Therefore, it is extremely important that you make sure that all installations of COMPASS GPS are updated to version 4.8 before the end of August 2024. Otherwise, you will lose the possibility to automatically update your installation.
You will not see any difference in your COMPASS GPS Updater. It is only the software behind the updater that will change.
We have updated the System information dialog box to include more information, thus making it easier to check whether your system meets the requirements for running COMPASS GPS.

To open the System information dialog box, select About COMPASS GPS from the Help menu, and select the System info link in the dialog box displayed. The System information dialog box contains a lot of information about your system and compares it to the requirements for running COMPASS GPS. From the dialog box, you can save or print the information.

for Compass GPS 4.8? Thank you!
Hi! I have an old version of GPS and didn´t make the update at time, so i´m not able to use it in my UNIKE H.A. Can I have a download link for Compass GPS 4.8? Thank you!
Hi @AmadeusDeus Welcome;
Please read your PM/Private Message/Conversation for information on how to find Widex Compass GPS 4.8.
@pvc I am already a longtime user of Compass GPS for fitting my own hearingaids. I missed the update to version 4.8 and can not get any new updates. Could you help with how to get version 4.8 or another option to fix the update issue.
So you are saying there are two types of upgrades, right?
No. Typically there are;
  • Legacy hearing aids.
  • And there are newer/current hearing aids.
Each has separate software.

But that just a general/typical rule. Sometimes there are ancient hearing aid models that also have separate software.

There are also ReBranded hearing aid models which may or may not have separate software.

Read DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF Files;
  • 01 Free Hearing Aid Fitting Software
  • Unlocking ReBranded Hearing Aids
Would really appreciate a download link for Widex Compass GPS 4.8 .

Thank You for any help in advance.