UNITRON TrueFit 5.7 Software


New Member
Jan 27, 2025
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Hey everyone,

I’m on the hunt for UNITRON TrueFit 5.7 software or an older version with an option to upgrade.
I’ve got Vivante platform tier 9 hearing aids, and I’m hoping to learn how to finetune the fitting done by my audiologist to make it work better for me.
Connection device : Noahlink Wireless 2 will be used.

If anyone has any leads or can point me in the right direction, I’d really appreciate it!

Thanks so much!
Ich suche die Truefit Software 5.8 für Unitron Risa! Hat jemand was für mich? Vielen Dank im Voraus! LG emmchen23
Hallo nein, irgendwie war ich mit meinem Gefanken woanders ich meine das Audifon Risa und brauchte das Audifit 5.8 sorry die Software hab ich aber hier im Forum

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