Just downloaded that app and it is a game changer! I can usually un-focus myself on my tinnitus but there are times it is just too loud to tune out. I've been disappointed with the tinnitus relief on my Starkey Evolv AI's but adding this app to my phone is a huge help! Thank you.I have tinnitus in one ear that goes from barely there to roaring. Hearing aids definitively help. I’ve never used the tinnitus feature of my aids. I downloaded the free Resound Relief app and use that instead.
@nanowiz, that’s fascinating!
I have not heard of this? Do you have a reference?I think I need one that has strong amplification at 8kHz, in order to prevent the worsening of tinnitus.
Yes, I don't notice it if I'm not thinking about it. But I'm afraid it will get worse.Yep, and it says;
"Maison says. "If we can one day regenerate those fibers in humans, perhaps it might bring back missing information to the brain, reducing its hyperactivity and the perception of tinnitus."
Until that day comes — and it's unclear when or if it will — we have only limited ways to cope with the problem."
The Policy for Costco hearing aid fitters forbids any tinnitus help and if there is a tinnitus feature available, they will not turn it on!
Why? I dunno. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But I believe it's because there is no proven help for tinnitus so they want to avoid wasting time?
Long story short; I don't think that "strong amplification at 8kHz" whatever that means will make any difference? Though, I could be wrong?
My tinnitus goes away when I am not thinking about it (or listening for it). So maybe try to fuggedaboudit.
I don't know how to do that. Do you? Maybe just walk outside in the spring time and listen to Mockingbirds???supplying more high-frequency input