Just before Xmas my hearing changed massively overnight (For the last 10 years or so high frequencies only were affected in my left ear).
Literally one day the low frequencies also went only leaving a small band around 2kHz (see new and old chart attached).
I've had 3X intra-timpanic injections throughout January (basically a needle through the eardrum to fill the inner ear with steroids to be absorbed by the cochlea/nerve to reduce any nerve inflammation.
This made no difference (and tbh wouldnt reccomend it due to severe pain !).
Today I got a replacement hearing aid (previous was a open cup with an in ear speaker to fill in high frequencies and new one closed cup with a tube / speaker in the aid) as it needs to do almost all frequencies now.
I still have the old aid (only 2 years old), and would like to program it as a spare and get a closed cup for it.
Could someone please let me know the version, software suite and any link where to obtain it ? The software for the new hearing aid (Danalogic GN Ambio Smart) doesn't program the old one from what they said today so I need software for a resound danalogic GN Ambio AM562-DRW.
I'm an electronic engineer/systems engineer and looking at the programming they did on the new one today looks fairly straightforward. I didn't see them apply any lock code so I'm hoping the old one doesnt have a lock pin either (It's a private centre the NHS sub contracts to).
Best Regards,
Kevin Cooper
Literally one day the low frequencies also went only leaving a small band around 2kHz (see new and old chart attached).
I've had 3X intra-timpanic injections throughout January (basically a needle through the eardrum to fill the inner ear with steroids to be absorbed by the cochlea/nerve to reduce any nerve inflammation.
This made no difference (and tbh wouldnt reccomend it due to severe pain !).
Today I got a replacement hearing aid (previous was a open cup with an in ear speaker to fill in high frequencies and new one closed cup with a tube / speaker in the aid) as it needs to do almost all frequencies now.
I still have the old aid (only 2 years old), and would like to program it as a spare and get a closed cup for it.
Could someone please let me know the version, software suite and any link where to obtain it ? The software for the new hearing aid (Danalogic GN Ambio Smart) doesn't program the old one from what they said today so I need software for a resound danalogic GN Ambio AM562-DRW.
I'm an electronic engineer/systems engineer and looking at the programming they did on the new one today looks fairly straightforward. I didn't see them apply any lock code so I'm hoping the old one doesnt have a lock pin either (It's a private centre the NHS sub contracts to).
Best Regards,
Kevin Cooper
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