Signia ax5 hearing aid programming


Aug 26, 2018
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i have the signia ax5 aids from tru hearing i have the noah link programmer and connexx fitting software. i programmed my aids last year after i go them and had the aud do the hearing test and first programing.

so monday i had to go back for a hearing test so that i could get new aids because the insurance lets me get a new pair every year.

anyway she re programed them and they are obnoxious so i went into the program and tried to change some settings and i’m locked out. the program has half of the options turned off and i can’t even create a new client and load that client and read the aids so i can have a backup set of settings to fall back on.

last year i had 3 clients set up for the original program then the changes i made i saved in the 2nd client and the 3rd was some tweaks i made so i could fall back on the 2nd client. now when i save the session it will not save.

i deleted the program and will reinstall it but first does anyone have a link for the older signia fitting program? i have it but i did a pc change and it might be i got a courped program during the hard drive change out.
i have this program now connexx 9.8.5 SiFit for signia
thanks bp.
These are available; see clip from DIY School PDF File (01 Free Hearing Aid Fitting Software) below. I will send instructions after a while on how to find (Connexx9.11.5 SiFit 9.11.5 for Signia). But this may not solve your issue. Please read a DIY School Hearing Aids PDF File named (Unlocking ReBranded Hearing Aids).

This clipped text below will go obsolete over time. But the original DIY School text will be updated.

Connexx Signia/Siemens

Connexx6.5.5/SiFit6.10 for Signia older/legacy is hidden. You will need to use the suggested PROCEDURE FOR HIDDEN SOFTWARE near the end of this file. Model names; (Motion, Life, Pure, Aquaris, Eclipse, iMINI, Explorer, Nitro, Intuis, Phoenix G3, Lotus).

Connexx7.5.2/SiFit7.5.1 for Signia intermediary/legacy is hidden. You will need to use the suggested PROCEDURE FOR HIDDEN SOFTWARE near the end of this file. Model names; (Carat bx, Pure bx, Pure mi, Ace bx, Ace mi, Motion bx, Motion mi, Life mi, Aquaris mi, Insio bx, Insio mi, Nitro mi, Orion 2, Orion, Sirion 2, Sirion). Note: This special intermediate version has an updater, but there are no updates for this version, so you'd better choose the (don't activate the update manager) option. Also, this special intermediate version cannot coexist with the newer/current version described below.

Connexx9.11.5/SiFit9.11.5 (or latest) for Signia Newer/Current is hidden. You will need to use the hidden software instructions suggested at the end of this document. Model names (new models can be added) (Pure C&G IX, Pure C&G T IX, Click ITE Silk IX, Styletto, Styletto X Styletto AX, Styletto Connect, CROS, Pure C&G AX, Pure 312 AX, Pure C&G X, Pure 312 X, Pure 312 Nx, Pure 13 Nx, Pure 10 Nx, Intuis 3, Motion 13 BT primax, Motion primax, Active, Silk X, Silk Nx, Insio C&G AX, Insio Nx, Isio primax).
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repeating from PM/Conversations (so that others may benefit) ;)

For changing your TV Streaming sliders you have to go back and forth.
  • In the fitting software change the sliders in the streamer section for program 2
  • Save your settings and exit
  • Go listen to your TV Streamer
  • repeat as needed
You should strive to use the latest version of the software. Why? The later releases sometimes have newer firmware updates for your model hearing aids, and many times they include bug fixes. You want to have ALL the bug fixes. For Legacy HAs use the last Legacy version of the fitting software for the same reasons.
pvc. ok i installed the updated fitting program and went into it to see if i had any changes and so fat it looks the same but thanks ther may be something in it i will see later on.

i found that out when i was in the fitting program and went to the tv streamer part of the aids program that i was hearing the tv thru the aids and not the tv streamer, i did it again today and discovered that. but after redoing the fitting today i will let everything now ride for a week and see. then if i find i have to turn up the vol on the aids i will go into the streamer section and make some adjustments. by the way the audi emailed me and told me my aids are not locked out she checked on her pc. thanks bp.
ok pvc i have been playing with that tv streamer and it seems like nothing happens when i change the sliders in the audio section under the tv. i must be missing something here. i drop the sliders a notch and disconnect them and listen for a bit and it seems nothing happens. can you tell me what is the 0 on the scale mean? i'm thinking the 0 should be about what the aids are set to. i even went to -16 and it seemed nothing changed. unless i'm not saving it correctly? i make a change and then disconnect the aids. should i actually go into the file tab and then click save session?

for all the other changes they happen while i'm still connected and when i leave the program i do go to the file tab and save session.

i did have it working good but then i got another pc and put the program on that and when i connected the aids for some reason they reset to nothing. i went into client and created a new client and then connected the aids thru the noahlink adapter and picked use devices and the program changed for some reason. and after that i had to input another audiogram and go thru all the setup again. it was a mess. i used the same audiogram as before and i went thru and did first fit and own voice and used axfit and everything changed i had a time getting them to work like i was used to hearing. i actually went thru the setup 5 times to get them to sound about how they were before i connected them the first time to the new pc. wow! i let the program do what it wanted to do for all of them and every one was different.

the last fitting seemed to sound like before i set them to the new pc. but i do get a few pinches i call them where they want to amplify the sound and then cut off. i did a few changes and it is getting better.

then i found that i could have exported the old settings form the old pc and imported them to the new pc. i bet that is what happens when i go to the audi and she connects to them to her pc and then the program changes. she says it should not do this but it does. maybe a glitch in the program?

anyway i'm having a time with the audio streaming. no matter where i put the sliders. nothing seems to be changing. the photo is not where the slider are, that is from the old settings i saved before i had to put the program on the new pc. these seemed to work good back then. but these are not where the sliders are now. they are way lower closer to 10 for 125,250,500 and 750 now i get what sounds like echos at the higher sounds, notice i have tv selected i figure that is for the tv streamer program on my aids? am i wrong?



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i make a change and then disconnect the aids. should i actually go into the file tab and then click save session?
Make a change. Save the fitting session. Stream your TV using the the new/saved/session.

Repeat the above three steps as needed.
ok at this time i disconnect the streamer. so i will reset them to where the software set them and then lower one set at a tiem and then go to file save session and see. is that what your saying?
software set them and then lower one set at a tiem and then go to file save session and see. is that what your saying?
Yes. Unfortunately you cannot perform a fitting session while simultaneously streaming. So;
  • Change the streaming settings and save the fitting session.
  • Stream your TV using the the new/saved/session.
tell me if i get below 0 should i hear any gain? i have now lowered them one click on the 125 thru 750k and nothing changes. i connect make a change save setting but say no to saving to database and then disconnect and it is still the same. if i lower the volume to as low as it goes then it sounds good with just enough gain. i have it set to tv on the streaming page and i turned off the adaptive stream volume and the mix with microphone

next i will try -16 and see it seems to me that should be nothing at all.
No, I believe you are changing your Rx/Prescribed Gain and not your TV Streaming adjustments.
ok then i have to reload the new program. then that must be what i'm missing thanks so i will reset them back and then lower one click save session then go back to client and reload. and see if that does anything. thanks.
Wait, let's find your streaming adjustments first. Don't change Gain.
this is the section i'm using is that the wrong section?


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  • Yes, that looks correct. I am not used to Signia. But you only have 2 Handles. Try 6 or 12 Handles.
  • I believe you have left and right hearing aids decoupled (center top symbol) meaning your want to adjust Left HA independently of the Right and vice-versa.
  • Click or mouse hover over the (i) icon center bottom for information about Streaming Not Possible When.
  • Try Signia Help / Adaptive Streaming Volume
  • Try Signia Help / Mix with Microphone
ok i started the old pc and got the program running and exported the client and setting list. then that saved to the desktop and then i copied that to a thumb stick and then i copied that into the new pc fitting program.

here is what my old program looks like in the streaming section 1st photo is in the audio setting the 2nd is the tv setting and the 3rd is the hands free. so maybe it will be ok now that i think i got the old pc setting into this program. how ever if i have to change the streamer i still need to know just how to do it. if you need to see the audiogram i can post it.


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thanks above is the program from the old pc i exported the complete client list and then imported it into the new pc.

i did go to those on the sigina site and they do not offer much help. also they are coupled it says coupled under that icon. so now that i managed to get the old pc program into the new pc, if i have to change the streamer is this the steps i take?
i connect the aids,
then make a change,
then save that change under file save session and then maybe close the program?
then if the program was closed restart if not closed then do i have to go int client list and reopen the client again?
or open the program and pick the client and then go to streaming and then connect to the aids and make another change and then disconnect and see how it sounds?
and then repeat all of this again?
if i have to change the streamer is this the steps i take?
i connect the aids,
then make a change,
then save that change under file save session and then maybe close the program?
then if the program was closed restart if not closed then do i have to go int client list and reopen the client again?
or open the program and pick the client and then go to streaming and then connect to the aids and make another change and then disconnect and see how it sounds?
and then repeat all of this again?
Yes, I believe so. Also, Yes I agree they are coupled.
The Video was using 12 handles and Adaptive Streaming Volume=OFF