Rexton Connexx Software necessary, or?


New Member
Jun 16, 2023
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Auditioning some Rexton HA's soon, will Signia's Connexx software (that I already have) work with them or do I specifically need the Rexton Connexx software? Should Rexton Connexx be necessary, can someone send a link to the Rexton version of Connexx software?

Thanks in advance!
Connexx Fitting Software Connexx has two different parts:
  1. The Connexx fitting software
  2. The Hearing Instrument/HI database
You need a SiFit HI database for Siemens/Signia HIs. You need a RexFit HI database for Rexton HIs. There are different versions (old/legacy and new/current) of each and you will usually find the two pieces you need together in one download. If you want this to work for Siemens/Signia HIs then install the version with SiFit HI database. If you want this to work for Rexton HIs then install the version with RexFit HI database.

Note that Connexx was rewritten as Connexx 8 (approximately 2016), therefore the Connexx 8 version is the demarcation between Old/Legacy and New/Current. You may encounter several different versions for each Legacy and Current Connexx’s. Generally you will want the last-Legacy-version or the latest-Current-version depending on your hearing instrument. Connexx 8 also added an updater in your Windows Sys Tray to keep the software current. However, an updater glitch stopped Connexx 8.5.3 from receiving further updates via the updater, so you may have to manually get past that specific version. Note that there are other (more obscure) Connexx versions (Hansaton, Electone, Miracle Ear, etc). For obscure versions use the suggested PROCEDURE FOR HIDDEN SOFTWARE near the end of this file

If you want Legacy/Connexx to work for both (Siemens/Signia and Rexton) then install both legacy versions. After installing both, you will end up with two HI databases and one Legacy/Connexx6 that you can choose which HI database you want to use by using a Pulldown menu for Manufacturer and then select SIEMENS or REXTON. Though, for New/Current Connexx you will end up with two HI databases and two separate Connexx’s. The Old/Legacy and New/Current versions for Rexton and Signia can all be installed to co-exist together. Whew!

The above description and more is readily available (one click) from a DIY School Hearing Aids PDF file named (01 Free Hearing Aid Fitting Software).
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Read your PM/Conversation soon, RE: Connexx 9.8.5/RexFit9.8.11 for Rexton Newer/Current
Hello. I'm a brand new member of this forum, waiting on delivery of my very first HA, a Rexton BiCore C R-Li T via Costco.

I really hate to start off with a request, but I'd surely appreciate if someone could find a way to fix me up with a 9.8.x or 9.9.x Rexton Connexx (RexFit) link.

I certainly don't intend to start messing with the audio settings, but I'd quite like to know what program options are available.
I have no reasons to doubt the professionalism or competence of my Costco audiologist, but she also doesn't seem to have much time to indulge my curiosity on this subject. Me, being a techie, I can't resist.

No worries, Read your PM/Conversation RE: Connexx 9.9.3/RexFit9.9.0 for Rexton Newer/Current

Suggested DIY School Hearing Aids reading:
  • 01 Exploring the Fitting Software
  • 01 What to Expect for your First Fit
  • 02 How to Program your Hearing Aids
  • Costco Hearing Aid List
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May I have a link to this software? I already have a Noahlink wireless that I’ve been using with Target to make adjustments to my Phonak M70s. I’m exploring options for my next aids. The hearing clinics in my area are all corporate owned with fitters who only do the bare minimum. Might as well try Costco and save money.

@pvc, a kind member of that other forum sent me here via PM. I was so disappointed to log in there for the first time in three years to see references to your DIY school only to discover it, and you, were gone. I appreciate your valuable information!
Hi and Welcome; Not gone; Just moved ;)
Read your PM/Conversation in a short time for info about Connexx 9.9.3/RexFit9.9.0 for Rexton Newer/Current
I have a Noahlink and the Connexx software installed now, but I need the Rexton database to complete my setup. Help me please.
Hi Jimboee; When you say Noahlink I am assuming you mean Noahlink Wireless because there is an old obsolete hearing aid programming device named NOAHlink.

Aside from the above reminder, Read your PM/Conversation for information about how to find these two Connexx Rexton versions;
  • Rexton Connexx 6.5.5/RexFit6.8.4 for Older/Legacy is hidden. The legacy hearing aid names are (Cobalt, Gem, Onyx, Insite, Bridge, Day, Stream, Targa PLUS, Arena)
  • Rexton Connexx 9.9.3/RexFit9.9.0 (or latest) for Newer/Current is hidden. The hearing aid names (subject to change/additions) are (M-Core, StyleLine, CROS, BiCore, Stellar, Emerald S, Emerald XS, Emerald M, Mosaic, Joy, Targa, inoX).
You can read above about how the various Connexx versions and Connexx Hearing Instrument databases fit together. ;)
Connexx Fitting Software Connexx has two different parts:
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