Audio Service Connexx6.5.4/AudioFIT6.8.5 for older/legacy.
Connexx7.5.2/SiFit7.5.1 for Signia intermediary/legacy The hearing aid names are (Carat bx, Pure bx, Pure mi, Ace bx, Ace mi, Motion bx, Motion mi, Life mi, Aquaris mi, Insio bx, Insio mi, Nitro mi, Orion 2, Orion, Sirion 2, Sirion). Note: This special intermediary version has an Updater but there are no updates for this version so you might as well choose the (do not activate Update Manager) option. Also this special intermediary version cannot co-exist with the Newer/Current version, namely Connexx9.9.3/SiFit9.9.0 (or latest) for Signia Newer/Current.