Request for old bernafon oasis software


Jul 5, 2023
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Hello,I need old bernafon software,could help me to send the link of old bernafon oasis software ,again I request pvc to send me the link,thanks alot
Check your PM/Conversation for instructions RE: Oasis 26.2+OasisNXT 2O19.2
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Hi. Can anyone please share the link for the old Bernafon Oasis software for the legacy hearing aids with me as well?
Hi ash; Welcome. Check your PM/Conversation for information on how to find the combined versions of [Oasis 26.2 for older/legacy Bernafon hearing aids, and OasisNXT 2023.1 for newer/current Bernafon hearing aids.
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Tip: Oasis / Help / Getting Started
But note that the Noahlink hearing aid programming device mentioned is not Noahlink Wireless! It's the old obsolete (wired/uses cables) hearing aid programming device. Bernafon cables are industry standard CS44 cables. Only Phonak and Unitron use CS44a cables that have pins 3&4 reversed.

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Hello, can anyone share me a link with old oasis software for veras 9 n
Hi @temonix Welcome; These are likely ReBranded hearing aids from→ yourhearingUK who says, The (Verite, Veras) and Chronos family of hearing aids are produced by Bernafon, although the Veras range have now been replaced by the new Chronos model. The Verite 7 is an RITE (Receiver In The Ear) model. The Chronos 7 is available in the following different styles: (BTE, ITE, ITC, CIC).

You can try using Bernafon Oasis 26.2 software (for Older/Legacy models). Model Names; (Juna, Acriva, Chronos, Supremia, Saphira, Carista, Xtreme, Inzia, Nevara, Inzia, Neo, Win).

Please read your PM/Conversation for information on how to find→ Oasis 26.2 for older/legacy Bernafon hearing aids. However, because they are Rebranded hearing aids they may also be locked! You should read a DIY School PDF file named (Unlocking ReBranded Hearing Aids); The PDF File has a more complete explanation about locked hearing aids.
It seems that Bernafon Oasis 26.2 software can be used to program (ReBranded Bernafon Veras=Chronos) hearing aids without using a special code for unlocking this Bernafon model.

We can't be sure this will be the case for all ReBranded Bernafon models. But the results (thus far) are promising. I will Update the DIY School Hearing Aids PDF file (Unlocking ReBranded Hearing Aids) to include these results.
Hi @temonix Welcome; These are likely ReBranded hearing aids from→ yourhearingUK who says, The (Verite, Veras) and Chronos family of hearing aids are produced by Bernafon, although the Veras range have now been replaced by the new Chronos model. The Verite 7 is an RITE (Receiver In The Ear) model. The Chronos 7 is available in the following different styles: (BTE, ITE, ITC, CIC).

You can try using Bernafon Oasis 26.2 software (for Older/Legacy models). Model Names; (Juna, Acriva, Chronos, Supremia, Saphira, Carista, Xtreme, Inzia, Nevara, Inzia, Neo, Win).

Please read your PM/Conversation for information on how to find→ Oasis 26.2 for older/legacy Bernafon hearing aids. However, because they are Rebranded hearing aids they may also be locked! You should read a DIY School PDF file named (Unlocking ReBranded Hearing Aids); The PDF File has a more complete explanation about locked hearing aids.
Hi, I need to program choronos model of bernafon hearing aids. Can you please send me the link to oasis 26.2? Thanks
Hi @ash Welcome;
Just tidying up any open requests; Hopefully by now you have found Bernafon Oasis 26.2 software (for Older/Legacy models) for Model Names; (Juna, Acriva, Chronos, Supremia, Saphira, Carista, Xtreme, Inzia, Nevara, Inzia, Neo, Win) which is a combined version which includes OasisNxt for newer/current hearing aids and the OasisNxt Updater will take several update patches before it reaches the latest update.