Problem connecting Oticon Genie 2017.1 to Legacy Oticon Alta 1


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2023
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RE "was able to download & install the software, it connects to my Hi-Pro and is suitable for my pair of Oticon Alta1 Pro. I have a problem, though: the Hi-Pro appears not to connect to my HA's. However, if I swap them, I get a message saying "By accident, the two instruments seem to have switched sides" - so some communication between the Hi-Pro and the Altas exists".
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Once you get a valid connection to your USB Hi Pro then leave it alone. It's USB plug-and-play and therefore has a simple connection. So after it has found a valid driver, then your Hi Pro is usually good to go.

The hearing aids need to be in a mode that is ready to connect. This is done by off/on cycling the hearing aids, and then waiting a minute or so for the hearing aids to finish startup. You can accomplish this by opening-and-closing the battery doors.

Is this the first time trying to connect to the Alta 1 Pros? The answer is No, right? Otherwise how would it know that R/L sides are switched?
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Oh, maybe the R/L sides are marked inside the HA settings? Pfft.
Tell us about the history of the Alta 1 Pro hearing aids?
btw> There is no such thing as a right or left hearing aid when they are first manufactured. They are all the same gadget until someone marks them with red or blue markers, and declares them as right or left from within the hearing aid fitting software.
Hi pvc, thanks for your helping hand. My answers to topics you mentioned:
- I wrote about the HiPro just to provide info and to suggest that communication with the HA's seems fine. No issues with the HiPro.
- Of course, it's not the first time I connect the Altas. At some point I also got a message saying I should replace a HA battery.
- I know the L/R sides as the pair includes the receivers, which are colored blue, respectively red.
- History: I bought the Altas on ebay some two-three years ago. But it is just lately that I started using them. So they currently include their previous owner's corrections, which partly suit me, but could be better.
- This is probably also why I get the "switched" message: I entered the sides (and my audiograms) in Genie; it probably also reads the sides from the HA's, so when I swap them it sees there's a mismatch.
- An additional info: I sent the units to the Oticon representative/workshop here in Romania to have their communication checked. They did that, using some tools other than HiPro + Genie, and they said the units are fine.
Do these help?
HMm; If Genie knows that the sides were switched then you are connecting. Why not switch your receivers and go with the previous side assignment? I don't understand why this could be a connection problem when you are connecting??

Tip: Use fresh batteries (especially when taking a firmware update to the hearing aids) to guard against bricking a hearing aid.
Also, (and in my opinion) the Oticon Alta hearing aids are too old and not very good. Digital hearing aid technology has seen significant improvements over the past decade. I would not recommend any Oticon hearing aid model that is older than Opn, and avoid (Opn ZPower) junk. Sorry; I hope this doesn't offend you :)

Here's a clip from a DIY School Hearing Aids PDF file named (Big-5 Platforms Chips) listing the Alta's from the Inium platform from a decade ago.

William DeMant/Oticon, Bernafon, Philips, Sonic

2024-Q1Sirius2024-Q1 Intent miniRITE; new Lithium-ion charger technology - has contacts - is not inductive charging, new miniFit Detect speakers - not miniFit speakers
2020-Q4Polaris2023-Q1 Real miniRITE R, miniRITE T, miniBTE R, miniBTE T
2022-Q2 Zircon miniRITE R, miniRITE T, miniBTE R, miniBTE T
2022-Q2 More miniBTE R, miniBTE T
2020-Q4 More miniRITE R, miniRITE T
2019-Q1Velox S *2020-Q2 Ruby, miniRITE, miniRITE T, miniRITE R, BTE, BTE Power Plus
2019-Q2 Xceed, Xceed Play
2019-Q1 Opn S, Opn-Play
2016-Q2Velox *2018-Q4 Siya
2017-Q2 Opn ZPower Rechargeable miniRITE
2016-Q2 Opn
2015-Q1Inium SenseAlta2, Nera2, Ria2, Dynamo
2013-Q?IniumAlta, Nera, Ria
2010-Q1RISE2Agil, Acto
2007-Q2RISEVigo, Epoq
*=Firmware Update requires Hi Pro
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The problem with the Altas is that I am not able to reprogram them according to my audiogram, as Genie says they aren't connected. The story with the sides was just to illustrate that, despite the displayed No connection message, they actually do connect to Genie.

Concerning newer hearing aids, I agree: I just bought a pair of Oticon Real 1. They worked fine and I could also program them (via Noahlink), but the Bluetooth connection with my phone was rather unstable, so I returned them. I currently consider buying a pair of Phonak Paradise P90, receiver M. What do you think about them? By the way, are you aware of a list of receiver cable lengths vs numberings? I am not sure I need #2 or #3. Also, concerning domes, I am not sure what double venting means, I wasn't able to find on the internet pictures of it and whether there can be Closed double venting and Bass double venting.

My renewed effort with the Altas was to have something until I really decide what to buy and until I get them. I saw it also as a challenge, as I am a technical person.
I have not tried the newer Phonaks, so I am the wrong person to ask.

I still don't understand the not connecting. If you can prep the HAs, then connect the HAs to get that wrong side message;
Then that happens if you switch cables/sides, prep the HAs for connection, then try to connect?

There is an ear gauge to measure receiver length. But if you have already worn certain sizes here's some tips. Ideally the wire should lie flat against your face as close as possible. If it is away from your face, Oh say 1/4" or so, then it is likely because the length is too long. If it pulls very tightly between your ear canal and the top of your ear (maybe even leaving dark red marks atop your ear and cause pain to your ear canal) then it is likely too short. AFAIK double vent = two holes.

prep=Open then Close the battery doors.
ppl with high frequency loss and who still have good low frequency hearing, need larger vents or even open vents. This allows hearing the low frequencies naturally through the open (or at least big/not small) vents

ppl with a hearing loss that incudes loss of hearing in low frequencies need a more occluded fit (with little or no vents) to prevent the low frequency sounds from just leaking out of your ears before your eardrums can process the Bass sound waves from your speakers/receivers