Phonak Audeo L90-RT telecoil help


New Member
Aug 8, 2024
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Absolute newbie to hearing aids. I have been prescribed hearing aids and received Phonak L90-RTs. I utilize radio equipment to include a neck loop and ear piece for work. Per the state sheets my HAs are equipped with telecoils and can find no literature on how to enable these. I read the instructions for Phonak target set up and nowhere was discussed telecoil.
If anyone has suggestions or directions it would be greatly appreciated.
RE→ User Guide: Audéo L-R, L-RT

18. Listening in public places
Your hearing aids may have a telecoil option
that can help you hear in various public
places such as church, concert hall, train
station and government buildings.


When you see this symbol, a loop system is
present and is compatible with your hearing
aids. Please contact your hearing care
professional for further information and
activation of the telecoil function.
How to use your telecoil function
Accessing the telecoil function that your hearing
care professional has set up is possible two ways.
Direct access to the telecoil program is possible via a long
press of the push button on your hearing aid.
Alternatively it is possible to access the telecoil program
via the myPhonak app. Ensure you are standing or seated
within the designated loop system area as noted by the
official telecoil symbol.

Meaning you or your Audi will need to add a separate program for Telecoil and once that is done then you just switch to the Telecoil program.
Maybe one of the two options will fit your needs to connect to your neck loop??

Thank you again. This will likely do it. Now I just have to order the hardware to program it. Audi has no appointments for 3 months.
Wow, 3 months. That's a long wait. You should understand the potential conflict with your Audi. For that, please read Step 4 in a DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF file named (02 How to Program your Hearing Aids).

You will need the (Noahlink Wireless or Noahlink Wireless 2) hearing aid programming device for connecting the fitting software to your hearing aids.
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Suggestion; while awaiting your hearing aid programming device; Phonak Target has a Simulate/Training mode which allows you to create a dummy client/Joe Blow and then open a Training Session to practice using the fitting software without fear of changing your hearing aid settings. Please read a DIY School Legacy Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF File named (Fitting Instructions Phonak Target) near the end of the document.

If you gaze at the image above in the upper left corner you can see evidence of this simulation/training session.
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