New to hearing loss


New Member
Mar 28, 2013
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Just got back from my third audiologist appointment in a week. Went to the ENT because I was complaining that my ear felt clogged. He saw nothing but said that I could have hearing loss in that ear. It runs in my family. Went to three different audiologists and they all said the same thing. My audiogram was at 40-60db on the lower frequencies for my right ear. They fitted me for a hearing aid in that ear. It is a siemens intuis CIC. I am wondering if anyone has any experience with these. Also what can I expect when I get it. I'm nervous and a little concerned. I am only in my early 30s.
Welcome to allhearing!

I don't have experience with Siemens' CIC but it seems to be fitted for your loss range. I think most CIC's are good to accompany up to moderate loss (60dB tops). But it'll really depend on the frequencies you need to be aided with.

You can try it out, they might have to tune it and program for you at your chart. You should test it on the things in life you are frequently accustomed to, like the phone, music, human voice, etc and find if you are able to adjust to it.

It looks like the intuis CIC don't have volume control, so you are going to have to remove the battery cover every time you need to turn it off.
The audiologist said they are going to tune it to my chart when I get it. She said there will be a couple of updates that they need to do. Mostly I am having trouble with the lower frequencies. The audiologist said that this type of hearing aid is really tailor fit for someone with my type of loss. We will see. She is putting a rush on it because my insurance is changing in a few weeks. Should have it by Thursday. Looking forward to it but still a little nervous. Have done some research and heard nothing but good things about siemens.
Since you're brand new to this, reading up on hearing loss is essential. Find out what could be causing yours, and do what you can to completely eliminate it from your lifestyle, as prolonged exposure to noises of a harmful decibel will only serve to worsen your hearing loss, and we don't want that! Here's a super useful website with loads of info on things that could be harming your hearing! Give it a read! I hope it helps!

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