New Hearing Aid Technology with (AI DNN/Deep Neural Network)

The Oticon Xceed technology is old (circa 2019-Q1) as shown in the DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF File (Big-5 Platforms Chips). Hopefully, the Oticon Power BTEs will be upgraded to the Sirius platform - soon ?? If this happens, it should also include the new Speech-in-noise technology which is the subject of this (AI DNN/Deep Neural Network) topic.

William DeMant/Oticon, Bernafon, Philips, Sonic

2024-Q1Sirius2024-Q1 Intent miniRITE; new Lithium-ion charger technology - has contacts - is not inductive charging, new miniFit Detect speakers - not miniFit speakers
2020-Q4Polaris2023-Q1 Real miniRITE R, miniRITE T, miniBTE R, miniBTE T
2022-Q2 Zircon miniRITE R, miniRITE T, miniBTE R, miniBTE T
2022-Q2 More miniBTE R, miniBTE T
2020-Q4 More miniRITE R, miniRITE T
2019-Q1Velox S *2020-Q2 Ruby, miniRITE, miniRITE T, miniRITE R, BTE, BTE Power Plus
2019-Q2 Xceed, Xceed Play
2019-Q1 Opn S, Opn-Play
2016-Q2Velox *2018-Q4 Siya
2017-Q2 Opn ZPower Rechargeable miniRITE
2016-Q2 Opn
2015-Q1Inium SenseAlta2, Nera2, Ria2, Dynamo
2013-Q?IniumAlta, Nera, Ria
2010-Q1RISE2Agil, Acto, Chili
2007-Q2RISEVigo, Epoq
*=Firmware Update requires Hi Pro
Unfortunately, it only knows one thing. all iPhones.
There are other (non-hearing aid centric) alternatives. Though the audio quality may or may-not be the same as cellphone music depending on the source of the cellphone music.

U-Tube; Modern TVs are able to (use/gain access to) your home network/Router. For example; using a recent LG OLED TV you can Hold the Speak-Button on the LG remote and say "UTube Videos, Elvis Presley". The TV will speak to you and respond with "Here's a list of Elvis Presley Videos". Then you can pick-and-choose what to watch.

Also, for LG TVs, the SmartShare App can be added to your PC and then you can provide instructions to SmartShare pointing to the location on your computer disks where to find Music, Movies, TV-Series, etc. These can then be listed and chosen to play on your TV (using your TV-remote to select from a list of media from your wireless-router/home-network);

These alternatives can be used with (Oticon TV Adapter 3.0) for streaming the audio part of your Media.

SmartShare is a real PITA to configure; But once you get it going, then your personal Media is at your fingertips with a few TV-Remote-Control buttons. Though, if you change/add/delete any media then you have to (reload via delete/add) the SmartShare settings on your PC/Computer.

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I want to use it outdoors when I travel, exercise or go to work. I'm wondering if my Oticon xceed sp + Garmin Venu 3 + Oticon Connect Clip will work?
Oticon chili + oticon streamer Garmin Venu 3 works fine I used it for a long time before that.
In my opinion, PHONAK is the best! My wife has Phonak Naida P90-UP and it works with Android connection via bluetooth.

I got a video and now I understand completely.
Is there something similar to a Transfer program?
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Chili is older than Xceed. So, it should work for Oticon xceed sp + Garmin Venu 3 + Oticon Connect Clip.
Phonak Naida P90-UP and it works with Android connection via bluetooth.
I think it's a game of staying current with the latest/newest BlueTooth advancements. Some manufactures are ready. Some are not.
Hi! Today I went to the city and found a mobile store. I tried the iPhone 15 Pro and connected it to the Oticon Xceed SP1 Bluetooth headphones. It was really great listening to music :) . The iPhone has an additional sound control feature that didn't appear on Android. There's one thing I couldn't find in the menu: the sound and music. The background noise is turned off, but I can't find where I can adjust it. Does anyone know where I can find this? On the old Oticon streamer, there was a button that you could press to switch between them.(
just music with background noise completely turned off" - music and background noise together)
At the END FITTING step;
Choose Accessories in the left pane, then click the PNONE tab.
You can set (M relative to phone) Louder of softer (-12dB to 0dB) where M is your hearing aid microphone;

When it is important that you listen to nearby people (for example; office work environment) set M Louder. When your environmental sounds are not important (for example; just streaming music and → Nothing Else Matters) set M to Softer.

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At the END FITTING step;
Choose Accessories in the left pane, then click the PNONE tab.
You can set (M relative to phone) Louder of softer (-12dB to 0dB) where M is your hearing aid microphone;

When it is important that you listen to nearby people (for example; office work environment) set M Louder. When your environmental sounds are not important (for example; just streaming music and → Nothing Else Matters) set M to Softer.

View attachment 977
Thank you in advance for your answer. I am making a 2-general noise music and a 3-general music. :)

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