Microtech Inspire

Hi @Querofazertestee Welcome;
Please read your PM/Conversation in a short while for information about how to find the three Starkey components you need for Multi-Brand, that is, (Starkey-hearing aids +Plus other ReBrand-hearing aids);
  • PatientBase Setup 27.0.10001.0 or latest
  • Starkey ProFitSetup 2024.1 (or latest) for newer/current hearing aids
  • Starkey InspireSetup 27.0.10016.0 (older v27.0 for Legacy hearing aids and for Multi-Brand)
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I hi-lighted the component above that is specifically required for Multi-Brand.
I can tell that you don't believe me :cool:
After you install the proper components you will need to run PatientBase/inspire while providing a special launch parameter.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey Laboratories\Inspire OS\Starkey.Inspire.Host.PatientBase.exe launch MicroTechFitting
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The instructions from DIY School PDF File named (01 Free Hearing Aid Fitting Software) says;

Instructions for invoking the fitting for Multi-Brand models can be found in a DIY School Hearing Aids PDF File named (Unlocking ReBranded Hearing Aids).
Instructions from DIY School PDF File named (Unlocking ReBranded Hearing Aids) says;

Starkey ReBranded Models:​

Both the Starkey Pro Fit and Starkey Inspire can be used with Starkey's multi-branded products for ReBranded models (see ReBranded names in the lists below). Below are (3 steps) for running (Inspire or ProFit) as a multi-branded product:

Step 1: Right-click the Windows Start button and select Run, or press (Win-Key + R)

STEP 2: Enter the fitting software to be run (Inspire or ProFit), "exactly" as follows from one of the two lists below and into the Windows Run Command: Tip: Use the cut-and-paste method. Typing is too cumbersome;
C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey Laboratories\Inspire OS\Starkey.Inspire.Host.PatientBase.exe launch MicroTechFitting

Step3: Click OK
Too complicated huh? No it's not too complicated. Give it a try ;)
You should read a DIY School Hearing Aids PDF File named (Unlocking ReBranded Hearing Aids) to get a better understanding/appreciation for what ReBranded hearing aids are? They are the exact same hardware/widget as the original.

One might think you can look for a "Microtech Inspire" from another forum. Pfft, That ain't gonna happen ;)

Since the Original and the ReBrand (are both, the exact same hardware) why would the manufacturer bother to write another version of the complex fitting software?

Is the launch parameter starting to make sense yet?
→ MicroTech is one of many ReBranded hearing aid models. Here's another clip from a DIY School Hearing Aids PDF File named (Unlocking ReBranded Hearing Aids);

Step3: Click OK


C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey Laboratories\Inspire OS\Starkey.Inspire.Host.PatientBase.exe launch AudigyGroupFitting
C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey Laboratories\Inspire OS\Starkey.Inspire.Host.PatientBase.exe launch AmplifonFitting
C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey Laboratories\Inspire OS\Starkey.Inspire.Host.PatientBase.exe launch AudibelFitting
C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey Laboratories\Inspire OS\Starkey.Inspire.Host.PatientBase.exe launch AudikaFitting
C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey Laboratories\Inspire OS\Starkey.Inspire.Host.PatientBase.exe launch AudioSyncGeneralFitting
C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey Laboratories\Inspire OS\Starkey.Inspire.Host.PatientBase.exe launch HorexFitting
C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey Laboratories\Inspire OS\Starkey.Inspire.Host.PatientBase.exe launch KINDFitting
C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey Laboratories\Inspire OS\Starkey.Inspire.Host.PatientBase.exe launch LisoundFitting
C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey Laboratories\Inspire OS\Starkey.Inspire.Host.PatientBase.exe launch MedtronicFitting
C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey Laboratories\Inspire OS\Starkey.Inspire.Host.PatientBase.exe launch MicroTechFitting
C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey Laboratories\Inspire OS\Starkey.Inspire.Host.PatientBase.exe launch Starkey
C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey Laboratories\Inspire OS\Starkey.Inspire.Host.PatientBase.exe launch NuEarFitting
C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey Laboratories\Inspire OS\Starkey.Inspire.Host.PatientBase.exe launch VisaudioFitting
C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey Laboratories\Inspire OS\Starkey.Inspire.Host.PatientBase.exe launch MiracleEar
Ppl seem hesitant to read the PDF file. The PDF file is a few mouse clicks away in cloud storage.
Here's some cloud storage navigation tips for reading DIY School Hearing Aids PDF files:
  • You can find the Access Portal in the OP/Original Post of this/my main Topic → DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2)
  • You can easily find the Access Portal again/anytime, by clicking any PVC Avatar (click twice - counting the 2nd popup Avatar)
  • When logged in, you can find the Access Portal again/anytime, by clicking a Link in my Signature
  • And finally, you can perform a simple Internet search for "DIY School Hearing Aids"
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