Is there any relationship between hearing loss and hereditary?


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Jan 6, 2016
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Hi all,
Both my parents are suffering from hearing impairment and they can’t hear properly without the help of hearing aids. My elder brother also diagnosed with the some problem after a hearing evaluation test from Hearing solutions, Toronto. Is hear loss hereditary? His audiologist prescribed some medications and hearing aids for him. I wonder whether this may happen to me also. What should I suppose to do? Do I need to take any medical test? Please advice me in this concern and share your experiences.
If you're anywhere near the Salem, Oregon area, you should definitely contact the professionals at Pacific Audiology. Their caring service will provide you with comprehensive diagnostic audiological evaluations and hearing tests, as well as video otoscopy for detailed viewing of your ear canal and computerized hearing aid analysis (Real Ear Measurement)! If you do indeed need a hearing aid, they provide a full line specializing in digital hearing aid technology, in addition to assistive listening devices. What's more is they'll do follow-up fine-tuning visit to ensure maximum benefits. So don't worry.. even if you do end up with hearing issues, there are people out there who will care for you.
It must be. My parents both have profound hearing loss, my Dad worse than my Mom's. He cannot hear without his hearing aids and even then seems to lose some understanding.

I have a hearing loss too. I just got digital hearing aids in January and I am loving being able to hear.

My Mom wants to never wear hers. She says I can hear. But she misses so much. Gave my MD hearing aids to my sister who has a loss too. She doesn't wear them. Her excuse is I am to young. She is 51

I am so confused. Why people do not wear their hearing aids. My MD hearing aids were not perfect but they are way better than just amplifiers. Even my digital hearing aids aren't perfect but I am happy with them.
This is something I have to ask. My dad had hearing loss and my 15 is showing signs of that now. He is not able to listen to whatever taught in his class.
Pretty sure it can be.

My father= no major hearing loss. No history of hearing loss from his parents.

My mother = profound loss
Her brother (my uncle) = profound loss
My older brother = profound loss
Myself = profound loss
Younger brother = profound loss
And now my son @ 52 yrs old = has aids but gets along well without them