Hi! New and I'm getting hearing aids!

Feb 7, 2018
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Hi there. I am new here and getting hearing aids. I thought it might be good to find people i can relate to to talk about some issues I have questions with. I had a pair of very old painful hearing aids and I'm getting new ones! Open ones and i can't hear a thing out of them! I need a full ear mold behind the ear because I have 50 percent hearing loss in the left ear and 30 percent hearing loss in the right ear. I think someone was asleep at the wheel when they made my old ones.

My question is this? Are these hearing aids a lot lighter than they used to be? I have heard that they are. i understand it takes time to get used to anything though. I am also getting them coloured, (hence my user name) the pleasant secretary on the phone said coloured hearing aids aren't just for children anymore! :O It is getting hard to tell the IPods from the hearing aids! Also are the full shelled ones comfortable? (i think that's the term) The secretary said I might have to go with that based on what I told her and ironically enough she had one! She said hers was open fit though.

I have a hearing test on the fifteenth of this month. They need to do that because they want to see if one, any more hearing loss has happened and two, what they are working with. I have been watching videos on you-tube and I have seen so many brightly coloured hearing aids it's awesome! Does anybody on here as an adult wear them brightly coloured?
full shell earmolds are comfy! (I did have purple hearing aids as my last pair before one took a crap on me)
*Phonak has really cute and colorful options too*
full shell earmolds are comfy! (I did have purple hearing aids as my last pair before one took a crap on me)
*Phonak has really cute and colorful options too*

Hi there. I hope your day is going well.

Oh no! . Sorry to hear about that! Thank you for your response though! I was a bit worried that they might feel heavy but it sounds like they will be quite nice! Purple sounds really cool! I was also told i should be prepared need two even though that's what i used to have. I was given two the last time. My hearing test and ear mold impression is on the 13 not the 15th, (The fifteenth is for something else) completely mixed up the date! That's great about Phonak! :) It'll be a while i know before they come in. Also I'm going to ask you this as times have changed, do they have colour sheets and choices available at most places? i was explained to I could get the mould coloured as well! :D
thanks again! I'm feeling even more at ease now. I wasn't sure how the out come was going (and i won't until i get them) to be but with someone i can relate to is really easy to talk to about this and be better prepared. ^^ I just saw the sheet! There are so many colours to choose from! :O! Not sure if I'm allergic but my old ones caused me a good deal of discomfort, pinching and itching. I wouldn't wear them again so that'ts why I'm saying I've never worn them before. I also had little knowledge i could take them back either! :O I also don't remember the fitting process very well. They were open fit and i couldn't hear a thing out of them at all, so it's time to upgrade. This secretary was so nice she even said i could go for some of the younger colours if i wanted! The secretary said there was an adult who did just that there too! :) Thank you. :) When they come I will post a picture of what colours I chose and an update. :)
I think I finally settled on a pair of colours for my hearing aids! Thanks again for sharing that chart. Yellow ear mold and blue behind the ear! :) Maybe there might be purple swirled in with the yellow :D I have also heard it can be quite a shock when you hear better (but I think that varies) with the aids from people who have them and it takes time to get used to them. What else can I expect with my new hearing aids or does this just depend on the user? I'm just really excited about getting a nice style of hearing aids to help me hear better but i want to be really prepared too.
I think I finally settled on a pair of colours for my hearing aids! Thanks again for sharing that chart. Yellow ear mold and blue behind the ear! :) Maybe there might be purple swirled in with the yellow :D I have also heard it can be quite a shock when you hear better (but I think that varies) with the aids from people who have them and it takes time to get used to them. What else can I expect with my new hearing aids or does this just depend on the user? I'm just really excited about getting a nice style of hearing aids to help me hear better but i want to be really prepared too.

depends on the user but the color choice? that's cool!
Ah okay. Thank you though. ^^ I hope these new ones will work better than the last. Thank you! I like to wear these colours quite often for my clothes which is why i chose these. I get to see the audiologist tomorrow. :) It's also the assessment day but the secretary said there's one user they have there that is an adult and has really crazy fun coloured ones too! I will let you know how the appointment goes tomorrow. :)
Ah okay. Thank you though. ^^ I hope these new ones will work better than the last. Thank you! I like to wear these colours quite often for my clothes which is why i chose these. I get to see the audiologist tomorrow. :) It's also the assessment day but the secretary said there's one user they have there that is an adult and has really crazy fun coloured ones too! I will let you know how the appointment goes tomorrow. :)

you're welcome
had a great appointment and was treated with a warm welcome and treated like a family member more than just a person searching for a hearing aid. However colour selections were limited and as i suspected I am moderate hearing loss! Last place I went at accused me blatantly of faking my hearing loss and when she learned of this she looked like she wanted to clean their clocks but good! i don't think I mentioned in my first post when I had full shell hearing aids they switched mine over to receivers in the canals WITHOUT my permission at the old place :O

I am getting a phonak sky hearing aid and since the colour sheets for those were limited, I went with red!! Not what I imagined but sometimes we can't always get what we want. However she did try to press slim tube receiver in the canal and the last pair I did not like because of that (they were painful!) out of that even though I reminded the secretary that I cannot hear out of those for anything. Going to try to go back and gently press for what i originally had, only colour mold I wish for is still yellow, then if it is going to be red! :) I think she will do what I want in the end because I know that is what i need. I think she was just a bit hasty but didn't ask what i really wanted, just judged what she thought i needed. However, she still did treat me like a human and was very nice; i think she just forgot. :) Should also know that this is being corrected and will be taken care of soon! ^_^ She apologized which was nice.
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actually there wound up being quite a scuffle.The audiologist once again refused to do what was given to her on the doctor's sheet. I said to her, "I'm not signing this myself until I get what I want." The secretary on the other hand was very sweet in nature agreed with me. Since she kept pressing the receiver in the canal hearing aid on me I'm guessing she was on commission. She even got mad at me that the hearing aid colour i chose was red and was blatantly pointing to the colours SHE wanted me to see with. She got mad when I chose red never seen it before, it really caught my eye and she went 'oh...'. That's when her attitude changed. =/ She talked to me as though i was a child and not an adult.

She said 'we are doing this MY way and then we'll do your WAY' only assertively as though my opinion didn't matter. Then guess what happens? I said 'you know what? Cancel my order then." I walked out and called another company, Listen Up in Canada that actually encourages young adults to wear brighter hearing aids. I don't take it very well when i can clearly see a monkey can help me choose which hearing aid i like and need to use better; especially when she defies my doctor. :D (Been through that many hearing tests as a child for severe ear infections) The other place called Listen Up actually apologized on behalf of the other place! I'm also learning how to assert myself better which is also a weakness of mine, apparently I'm doing well. I certainly hope you haven't had to deal with these types of audiologists that are clearly on commission.

Still intend to get hearing aids though! ^_^ She didn't press it on me but she said 'give us a call when you're ready! I like your colour ideas!' <--Marvin the Martian fan might be a slight hint on the lava red haha. XD!!
thanks! I don't know why she suddenly got snappy with me like that, even worse when I stood my ground! I don't think they're used to people saying what they want when it comes to that company. Sometimes I think when they are on commission I'm guessing they can get pretty ugly, can't say as I won't go back there to the bad place. ListenUp told me that I can tell them what I want and that they'll listen to you and your life style, ' all the time ListenUp described to me over the phone (I had the revved up so I could hear her better, made sure to tell her that.) She said to me this 'yeah it sounds like you were happier with full shell vs receiver in the canal and wanted to know what idiot changed my whole perspective? That poor secretary at the other place. She was kind and wanting to get my needs met but the audiologist was verbally walkin' all over her. :( Oh and this is what she said to the phonak company in the office. 'I have an ADULT with a moderate hearing loss NOT a child, I want a receiver, not a HOOK Got it?' while looking at me at the same time." Talk about rude! She wasn't talking to them; sounded more like that was about me. :) The reason I left was the fuss was taking the positive out of me getting the better benefits of life in hearing for me, so not worth my time. Oh and her other excuse was that they would be cumbersome. Why the fuss over something that is supposed to help me feel better about myself and my hearing?

Been looking at pictures of phonak sky's on line and that's not what i'm seeing. I am going to call Listen Up Tuesday, I'm Canadian so tomorrow is Family Day, going to see what they can help me come up with since they sound much more professional yet down to earth. BTW I don't mean to come off as grouchy or anything, it can be very frustrating when the people who are supposed to help us wind up not being able to help at all. When I finally get these, I will even post pictures of them ^_^ btw thanks for supporting my ideas and thoughts ^^ that means a lot!
thanks! I don't know why she suddenly got snappy with me like that, even worse when I stood my ground! I don't think they're used to people saying what they want when it comes to that company. Sometimes I think when they are on commission I'm guessing they can get pretty ugly, can't say as I won't go back there to the bad place. ListenUp told me that I can tell them what I want and that they'll listen to you and your life style, ' all the time ListenUp described to me over the phone (I had the revved up so I could hear her better, made sure to tell her that.) She said to me this 'yeah it sounds like you were happier with full shell vs receiver in the canal and wanted to know what idiot changed my whole perspective? That poor secretary at the other place. She was kind and wanting to get my needs met but the audiologist was verbally walkin' all over her. :( Oh and this is what she said to the phonak company in the office. 'I have an ADULT with a moderate hearing loss NOT a child, I want a receiver, not a HOOK Got it?' while looking at me at the same time." Talk about rude! She wasn't talking to them; sounded more like that was about me. :) The reason I left was the fuss was taking the positive out of me getting the better benefits of life in hearing for me, so not worth my time. Oh and her other excuse was that they would be cumbersome. Why the fuss over something that is supposed to help me feel better about myself and my hearing?

Been looking at pictures of phonak sky's on line and that's not what i'm seeing. I am going to call Listen Up Tuesday, I'm Canadian so tomorrow is Family Day, going to see what they can help me come up with since they sound much more professional yet down to earth. BTW I don't mean to come off as grouchy or anything, it can be very frustrating when the people who are supposed to help us wind up not being able to help at all. When I finally get these, I will even post pictures of them ^_^ btw thanks for supporting my ideas and thoughts ^^ that means a lot!

Hi there,

Sorry to hear (pardon the pun) of all the troubles you have bee going through here. I know that the entire hearing aid world can be pretty confusing. I have to say that unfortunately money drives the motivation of practitioners sometimes. It seems like this might be the problem here.. perhaps they had stock they needed to get rid of? who knows...

There are all styles and a myriad of different technology levels. I would say the main thing is getting what you need and will meet your loss. Depending on your hearing loss intensity and type, certain hearing aids are better than others.
For the most part, if you have a hearing loss that is similar in your low frequencies as your high frequencies a full shell or canal hearing aid would be great. However, if you have a high frequency loss the RIC hearing aids would most definitely be the best option.

I applaud you having fun with the colors and owning your loss!

Hope this helps
hello. and it's okay, i make bad puns all the time :3! It has been quite a battle. I mean something that's supposed to be helping me and she seems to want to do only what she wants and not listen to the person's needs or desires? I expressed to Dad we are trying a new place and he agreed. I thought that's what was going on!! I find the more they are money driven the worst they get. I have been through two places, both of which were clearly on comission but the lady at Listen Up, as I stated in my earlier post was apologetic. Might be a good sign. Seemed very enthusiastic of an idea i had for what i wanted on the hearing aids but i want that to be a complete surprise! ^_^ My hearing loss is quite moderate i'm afraid and behind the ear full shell was my last one until someone screwed with that as well....this was quite a few years ago and did this without my consent.

Thank you for supporting my ideas on coloured hearing aids, that's what she said too over the phone, the secretary at the other place! She didn't understand what all the fuss was about. I will get them eventually even if i have to wait a bit and be patient. Sorry if some of this sounds the same over and over again, it is very frustrating and thanks for reading my post and for your kindness too. ^^
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