Hi - I'm a new hearing aid wearer - aged 53


New Member
Jun 29, 2018
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I'm pleased I found this forum and am hoping I might pick up some tips and information by visiting it regularly.

I have one thing in particular on my mind - which other members might be able to help me with. I decided to get the discreet Signia Silk aids and, after a couple of days wearing them I'm getting used to them. The only thing really bothering me at the moment (other than a bit of itchyness in the ear and a feeling of slight inflamation) is the way they look. It does sound like vanity - although as a big, lumbering, lump of a bloke I don't think I'm vain...I think it's more to do with not wanting people to be distracted when/if they notice them.

Anyway - they're pretty discreet apart from the think hairlike plastic thing with a bobble on the end - designed to facilitate removal. Sometimes, unless I position them precisely, the small bobbles poke out a bit and I can see them in the mirror (and people can see them). Does anyone have a pair like these? Has anyone snipped off the bobbles? The bobbles are what stand out. I think I should be able to remove them without the bobble...but given they're not cheap I don't want to mess around with them and then regret it.

Gosh - that does all sound vain doesn't it...I guess I'm just trying to get used to the idea of wearing them and being seen wearing them.

Funnily enough - as a 53 year old bloke - I've had about 7 women tell me to please let them know how I get on with the aids because their husbands need one but refuse to get one. So if I get this right - I could be leading a whole load of middle aged blokes to the freedom of corrected hearing loss. Yay :)

Thank you in advance to anyone able to help with my (incredibly shallow and silly) questions.