Help with TruHearing TH 7 RIC LI - Want to program myself - Insights ? Experience ?


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Dec 7, 2024
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Hi Thanks for all the great info and resources.. Lots of info for sure..
I tried to follow the threads and the info on the DIY site..
In reading the Unlocking Rebranded Hearing aids, I thought I found my TH 7 are unlocked, actually Signa 7 AX and are programed with Connexx 7.11.15 which has been updated to 7.12. I also learned this software has a region requirement , Germany. Lastly I will need a wireless Noah device to connect.
Anyone have experience with this ?
These ReBranded AudioService hearing aid models (R Li 8, R li 7, R S 7, Mood G6, Mood Li-ion G6, Rixx G5, Mood G5, B M 7, B P 7, B SP 7, DUO Li-Ion G6, P Li-Ion G6, HP Li-Ion G6, DUO Li-Ion G5, IF Li 8, quiX G6, quiX G5, quiX G4, Volta quiX, CIC 8, DIC 8, ITE Li7, ITC Li7, Ida BT G5, llea G5 Dir, II G5, Icon G5, llea G4, Icon G4) require a special Connexx paired together with the AudioService hearing instruments database.

Please read you "older" PM/Private Message/Conversation for information about how to find
  • Audio Service Connexx 9.11.15 AudioFit 9.11.15 for AudioService
for the ReBranded AudioService hearing aid models listed above.
Oh, wait a minute. I thought you were asking about AudioService ReBranded hearing aids. Sorry, I got mixed up between private messages and forum posts.
I have installed the software and created a dummy client , that worked.
my next issue is with the device , does the data base of products get installed with application ?
Not sure what device I choose cause they hide all of this :-(
does the data base of products get installed with application ?
Yes. But wait a minute. I thought we were talking about AudioService Rebranded models, not TruHearing TH 7 Rebranded models?

In reading the Unlocking Rebranded Hearing aids, I thought I found my TH 7 are unlocked, actually Signa 7 AX and are programed with Connexx 7.11.15 which has been updated to 7.12. I also learned this software has a region requirement , Germany. Lastly I will need a wireless Noah device to connect.
HMm; I don't see that reference in (Unlocking ReBranded Hearing Aids)? Maybe you found this somewhere else?

Are you saying the regular Signia (Connexx 7.11.15 which has been updated to 7.12) can be used to recognize TruHearing TH 7 Rebranded models? It's not impossible, But do you have a reference for this?
Not sure what device I choose cause they hide all of this :-(
It's not hidden. Find section (Example of Hearing Aid Model Selection) in a DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF File named (01 Explore the manufacturer's software). The example is for Hansaton Connexx but it's the same for all Connexx fitting software.
sorry if I created confusion and made some undocumented assumptions. I found out that the True Hearing Premium is a sigina 7 ax . I found that out from the audiooligist and the insurance provider. The leap was in the rebranding guide I saw signia 7 and assumed that was the same product. I can try and ask the audiologist and see if she will tell me what software she uses??
I guess i'm a guinea pig. I'll review file 01 as well.
Wish someone else had experience. I did find a Youtube video, in spanish explaining 9.11 which might be helpful.
I found out that the True Hearing Premium is a sigina 7 ax . I found that out from the audiooligist and the insurance provider.
Thanks, that is good to know. ReBranded hearing aid models are secretive, and Yes sometimes if you just run the manufacturer's fitting software, then the ReBranded model will be magically recognized (as a Signia 7 AX) even when it's a (ReBranded → TruHearing TH 7). But that is rare and we have not verified that (ReBranded → TruHearing TH 7) will work this way???

Also, I have not found (Signia Connexx 7.11 or 7.12) to try it for your TruHearing TH 7. Maybe ask your Audi for a copy? :cool:
Then we could run it to see if it is a regular Signia Connexx, or a special TruHearing version of Connexx with a TH hearing instrument database.
I figured out that within the 7 RIC Premium there are actually four receiver versions . S - M - P - HP , each with slightly different gain and noise specs. Within the Connexx software you have to pick the matching receiver. I have a pdf from a CDN Signa site that lists the differences.
I checked my invoice an sure enough I have an M. So there is definitely a match between the TH7 and Signa 7 C&G products.
Once I have a clear verifiable plan of attack I'll add to the thread. Maybe create a TH 7 programing thread.
Wish I could find a Connexx manual cause there are a few more choices to match the products ??
Wish I could find a Connexx manual cause there are a few more choices to match the products ??
Try the DIY School Legacy Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF File named (Choose Hardware-Programming Device for Signia) which has a list of Signia hearing aid models. Also some helpful links to → Signia AX-Augmented Xperience platform brochure,Product Portfolio 2021, → Product Portfolio 2017. Note that Signia-IX Platform brochure is hidden behind a Signia account Login.
Once I have a clear verifiable plan of attack I'll add to the thread. Maybe create a TH 7 programing thread.
Wish I could find a Connexx manual cause there are a few more choices to match the products ??
You should learn how to Simulate a fitting Session!!!
  • Create a client; Joe Blow.
  • Add an Audiogram for Joe Blow by clicking points (any points) on one side of the audiogram and press enter, then copy that side to the other side.
  • Now you are ready to simulate a fitting session!
Look at the middle of the screen. See the Simulate button?
Look at the bottom of the screen. See the Product Details button? Click it.
After clicking the Product Details button you go further into the specs by clicking the Open Datasheet (PDF) button which will will bring up a datasheet link → here.
I have added;
Signia Connexx TruHearing ReBranded → TruHearing TH 7 (Models TH 7 RIC LI, TH 7 RIC LI T, TH 7 IF LI) ReBranded Signia 7 AX

to the Signia section of the DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF File named (Unlocking ReBranded Hearing Aids). Hopefully we can find the missing ReBranded Connexx software at a later time. Thanks @dfried1 !

Tip; Unlocking ReBranded Hearing Aids is alphabetized by manufacturer, so you will need to scroll down to Signia.
Trying to connect direct to LG TV with

TruHearing 7Li Ion advance RIC RT.

Any advice? Thank you
wondering how the original poster made out. I currently have the truehearing th 5. that i have sucessfully connected to the connexx software using Noahlink Wireless. The Software Correctly recognizes the hearing aids even though they are not in the selection box. I read the hearing aids and used the audiologists programming..I just made a couple of small changes to hopefully enhance how the HAs work for me. My current HAs have one battery dying and will not last long. So i purchased on Ebay a set of used Truhearing premium th 6 as back up. they are due to be here this week. I am assuming and hoping that these also will be auto recognised by the software. fingers crossed! also hoping the newer tech will have an overall benefit in how they work. this is my long way of saying that there is a good chance that the OP's th 7 will also be automatically detected by Connexx. I am by all means a Noobie and will be looking to these forums for help
I currently have the truehearing th 5. that i have sucessfully connected to the connexx software using Noahlink Wireless. The Software Correctly recognizes the hearing aids even though they are not in the selection box.
Hi Jeff. Welcome;
Yes, all hearing aids can connect to the hearing aid fitting software without being selected in a selection box;
  • when they are using the appropriate hearing aid programming device for connection
  • when the are prepped for connection by off/on cycling the hearing aids
  • and, when they establish a connection to the appropriate fitting software
I would just like to clarify which hearing aid fitting software is appropriate for fitting TruHearing hearing aid models. And (at-this-time) that would be the ReBranded (Audio Service Connexx 9.12.2 AudioFit 9.12.1) and not the standard Signia (Connexx9.12.3 SiFit 9.12.1 forSignia).

Oh wait; I am confusing ReBranded TRUHearing models from Signia, with ReBranded AudioService models from Signia. Hold on whist I straighten this out ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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hi, thanks for the response. i didn't know there was a separate
I would just like to clarify which hearing aid fitting software is appropriate for fitting TruHearing hearing aid models. And (at-this-time) that would be the ReBranded (Audio Service Connexx 9.12.2 AudioFit 9.12.1) and not the standard Signia (Connexx9.12.3 SiFit 9.12.1 forSignia).
hi thanks for the info. i didn't even know there was a different version of the software. I am using the standard version of the Connexx9.12.3. it seems to work fully on my truhearing th 5 hearing aids. what is the difference and should i try to find the audio service connexx 9.12.2 ?
I am using the standard version of the Connexx9.12.3. it seems to work fully on my truhearing th 5 hearing aids. what is the difference and should i try to find the audio service connexx 9.12.2 ?
This is surprising, and Amazing too. Typically, Connexx is paired together with a hearing instruments database/(HI-database) and depending on which HI-database is used, then Connexx will fit only the hearing aids referenced in the database.

Ah, but since the TruHearing hearing aid models are actually Signia hearing aid models, sometimes you can just try connecting the hearing aids using the original brand software, and it magically works even though the ReBranded models are not listed. And, in your case with a TuuHearing model it does work. Wow! That's good! Let's use it!

Attention: TruHearing owners. This is good news. Continue reading below for how to program TruHearing models.
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