Hearing aid Master List


Dec 7, 2012
Reaction score
What do you have? What do you love? What do you hate? Do you how is it better/worse than previous aids? What are you thinking about getting in the future?

I want the gnitty gritty. :eek:
I'm currently wearing Widex SD-9M's, Senso Divas.

They're pretty good. Sound quality is really nice and gentle, doesn't sound robotic or forced at all. They're old though, so don't have any wireless abilities. These are my first aids, so I'm not much help.

Given their age, I need to be prepared for when they die. Ideally, I'll get a new pair beforehand and keep these for my backups. I'm a hard fit with my crazy x audiogram and it doesn't leave me that many options if I want my ears to match. I'm currently looking at the new Phonak Boleros, the Exelia Art M or Micro, and the Oticon Agil. I think the old Cassia's might work as well. I like my Widex's but a lot of people have said that the new ones aren't nearly as good as these, sound quality wise. Some of these don't give me much room to play with on the low end, but I tend to not boost those up full blast anyway. Anyone have experience with any of those, especially with a low-frequency loss? Do Phonaks really sound robotic? I need an Aid that will fully cover a 20-75 dbl loss across all frequencies (not asking for much, right???) ;) Getting an aid that covers 75 dbls at 125-1000 dbls and a 20 at 8,000 is close to impossible. Is it crazy that at this point, I really won't be too disappointed if my crazy high pitched range loses a bit? Having progressive loss wouldn't be quite as annoying if I got to pick....
I'm not due for my next audiogram until September, but depending on how much more loss I have, I may be forced into new aids asap.
I have Phonak Naidas (pre-Spice). Love them. I also have low-freq loss in addition to my high-freq loss. I would suggest, if your audi doesn't do REM, to find an audi who does REM (real ear measurement). The computer, based on audiogram, gave me too much bass and with the REM, my audi was able to adjust that.

Have you checked out the HA manufacturers' websites to see what ranges their HAs cover?

Another good source of "advice" is Hearing Aid Forums | Hearing Loss | Hearing Aids - Powered by vBulletin

Prior to my Naidas, I had Oticon Sumos (they were "old" technology by the time I got them) and before that I had ?Seimens? ITEs.
I am going to resurrect this old thread with a new answer about Hearing Aid Lists.
Read a DIY School Hearing Aids PDF file named (Recent Platforms-Chips of the Big Five).
It should give you a historical view of hearing aid release dates.

Oh, speaking of lists there is also the PDF file named (Costco Hearing Aid List).
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