Got them! :O!

Feb 7, 2018
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I got them and I can't understand what the previous audiologist was going on about full shell behind the ear hearing aids feeling cumbersome! :O What a load of nonsense! The material I have is very different, it is silicone. They are orange mould and purple 'ears' XD! The programming itself went quite smooth and I thought I was going to jump clean out of my skin! I did not! :O I am guessing silicone helps to cushion the noise or something? I have yet to wear them all day though but sometimes in the morning i wear them for a very long time as well as in the evening too. I can hear the tv on a number 11 and before that volume was quite high! The back is a wee bit bigger than my Dad's but as i said to my family doctor even this isn't very big! I am very amazed at how far this technology has come from my first pair. WOW!! :eek:!! --note they were so comfortable i fell asleep wearing them XD!! :3 Only one issue that the tubing on the right is a little long and it sometimes makes the 'ear' part flop over a bit but the left one is fine. :) I'm very glad I got these! Oh on a side note there is a vent in there so I did not hear my own voice so much and if I did it sounds like i'm on the phone and the other person is on the other end on a cell phone and i get the feed back. If you're looking for a description of this brand. It doesn't happen for everyone, however another issue i do have is i can't seem to turn them up without feed back so i will check with my audiologist but still...STILL!! Very overall pleased with these devices. :D!
thanks! They are really nice aren't they? I still can't believe i fell asleep in them XD!I woke up and felt this strange sensation in my ears and i was like 'oh yeah, that's my hearing aids...uh oh' XD! It's not a bad sensation either, they feel very light compared to my first pair! Sounds that no longer make me cringe are the phone and the dog barking! :O! I will have to keep a sound journal of the things i can hear. I heard traffic the other day from a ways away. We live out in the country. The programming was really neat and leave it to me to ask 'so what happens if the power goes out do all the programs go out?' she was really surprised as they've never had anyone ask a computer related question. She did say that if it went out while someone was getting fitted it would be bad but once it's in, the program stays she said.The last person who programmed a pair for me scared the living crap out of me.

He had them much too loud, painful even which might've meant that they were tailored too good? Could've done even more damage likely. When i heard her speak it was a bit strange sounding at first but now my hearing aids feel like they are my real hearing even though it isn't. One thing I noticed that this was not normal to me, when she bent over closer to me her voice got louder! Normally that does not happen. :O! In my appointment two weeks from now I am going to ask her to shorten the tube a bit and then see if we can't do something about the feed back when I turn them up. They also make the coolest noise that only i can hear when they turn up XD!! I had fun for about an hour with them just playing with the controls. Oh also my own voice is now comfortable to me. That got over and done with really fast. The funniest thing I told my Dad since he has them too, I'm an amateur voice artist so I said as Marvin, 'Do not let your space ship signals interrupt with the mother ship!' He's like 'oh god!' XD!! Last night he forgot I had my hearing aids in and blasted Wheel Of Fortune and I said 'uh...I got my hearing aids in'... XD! I'm really glad I got these though! Another thing I'm learning really fast are different sounding voices. Long story short it's only been a few days in and I'm really enjoying these. Hearing aid technology has come a long way hasn't it? :)
thanks, me too. The right one flops over because the tubing is too long but that can be solved. If i feel tired after a while which is a good 3 hours for me I take them out. The other day I caught my Dad using the microwave when i asked him not to and it scared the living day lights out of him because I got him in action LOL. Now i wonder how many other times he's done this... XD now nobody is safe lol. I will post a picture to you later of what the colours look like together.

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