Genie2 2024.1 is available

Hi All,
It was getting to be time to get hearing aids, and then I inherited a pair of Oticon Zircon 2's, about a year and a half old. The rechargeable batteries seem in good shape.
The fitting process seems a bit daunting. I asked the audiologist company where I got my hearing test if they would fit them for a fee, have not heard back, I think they probably won't do it.
If I do it, I realize that I need Genie, Noah Wireless link, and I guess also ExpressLink?. (Thanks for the table PVC!)
How do you get stuff like different earpieces? Oticon seems intent on keeping consumers from getting anything directly.
Noah Wireless link, and I guess also ExpressLink?
Both of these are hearing aid programming devices to connect your hearing aids to the fitting software (in this case, the fitting software you need is Oticon Genie 2). Therefore you only need one hearing aid programming device. So choose Noahlink Wireless 2.
How do you get stuff like different earpieces? Oticon seems intent on keeping consumers from getting anything directly.
eBay and such.
I asked the audiologist company where I got my hearing test if they would fit them for a fee, have not heard back, I think they probably won't do it.
Good guess ;)
Here's a clip from a DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF File named (02 How to Program your Hearing Aids);

Practice using the fitting software:

It is difficult or impossible to get any practice using the fitting software without selecting a real client and connecting to your hearing aids to use the real hearing aid settings. Look for a Simulate or Training feature that may be provided in some manufacturer’s fitting software. Oticon Genie2, ReSound’s SmartFit, others?, have a Simulate feature that allows you to try various settings in a simulation mode. Phonak Target has a Pulldown Selector to the right of “New Session”. You can pull it down and select “New Training Session”. These simulations will help you to get a feel for how the software works.

Alternatively, you could create a make-believe client, Joe Blow, and quickly click some points/any points on a make-believe Audiogram. Then you can practice using that make-believe client. Caution: Be very careful not to accidentally save your make-believe practice settings to your hearing aids, overwriting your valuable current hearing aid settings. Don’t take this lightly because your default upon exiting the software is to SAVE. When I use this Joe Blow practice technique, I practice without ever connecting my hearing aids, so the worse I could do is mess up the last database client session.
Both of these are hearing aid programming devices to connect your hearing aids to the fitting software (in this case, the fitting software you need is Oticon Genie 2). Therefore you only need one hearing aid programming device. So choose Noahlink Wireless 2.

eBay and such.

Good guess ;)
Thanks for the extremely valuable resource!