Genie2 2024.1 is available, updated to Genie2 2025.1 is available

These are my Intent 1s below with the new → Oticon Intent OtoTherm Molds that use your body heat to shape the molds for a comfortable fit matching your ear canals. Noteworthy, the Intents use AI-DNN (artificial intelligence deep neural network) to enhance speech-in-noise.

saw these online and was really intrigued ... how are they? They seem much larger than anticipated, is it me or do they really protrude from the ear canal , does it sit like a custom mould?
They seem much larger than anticipated, is it me or do they really protrude from the ear canal , does it sit like a custom mould?
It's a macro/closeup picture, and macro/closeup photography makes things look larger. For example the large spider legs below.

It is a custom mold and yes, it sits like a custom mold without protruding. Also Oticon has a new receiver design that uses your ear-canal-direction (which is not a straight/90-degree-angle hole in your head) as leverage to press the receiver wire closer to your head so that the receiver wire does not protrude. Link to → Ear canal direction which is upward-or-downward and forward-or-backward depending on your viewpoint.

After wearing Oto-Therm for a short while and they warm up, then they feel comfortable like warm bubble gum in your ears. But not that sticky. :p

I first programed m OPN S1's with Genie 2 2022.1 and upgraded to 2023.1 in 2023 when my audiogram was updated. I now have a new updated audiogram so wanted to update to the latest Genie 2 before updating my OPN S1's. I don't see the genie update choice any longer so I updated the OPN S1's with the 2023.1 version. Assuming Genie updates mainly add support for newer hearing aids models?
Sometime (or even many times) there are bug fixes and/or firmware updates included.
Also note that Genie Updater runs in your Windows Sys Tray. Right mouse button click the updater to check status. It may be waiting to update your older Version?
If Genie 2 doesn't update then read your PM/Private Message/Conversation for more information.
Thank you ! Did the update today. Modern design for sure.
Also a firmware update for Real to 1.1.2 which should solve multiple connecting issues .
Is there a Release Note for this version as i was too late to click and see it while was updating.
Heck, I can't find Release notes either? Used to be a Help/About or something like that?
Maybe 2025.1 is all new (or a fresh design) as opposed to an update to the previous design? :oops:

That newly updated Oticon Intent firmware Version 1.2.1 says: Easy LE Adapter: Ensures compatibility with Easy LE Adapter.Feedback analyser: Enables Feedback analyser measurements duringRemote Fitting sessions.Tinnitus SoundSupport™: Adds compatibility with new TinnitusSoundSupport controls in the Oticon Companion app.Voice Notifications: Enables a broader choice of Voice Notifications in the hearing aids. General Updates: Includes various improvements for better connectivity and overall performance.

My Intents are one version back on 1.1.0, and since these firmware updates are all related to a new fitting session, then I am not going to start a new fitting session just to take that firmware update. So I will stay one version back on 1.1.0. Note in the image below that the Genie 2 firmware updater considers version 1.1.0 as "up to date" by saying;
  • Right side is up to date - Left side is up to date
Also note that the "Update firmware" is disabled/Greyed-out.

Hello, I have a question, does it make sense to update Oticon Genie 2025? What is better than 2024?
Does Xceed have a firmware update?
I don't see any updates for Xceed.
Xceed are not likely to get anymore updates.
It's a new interface. So it wouldn't hurt to install 2025.1 to start getting used to the new interface.