Genie2 2024.1 is available, updated to Genie2 2025.1 is available

Hi @ahp Welcome;
Read your PM/Conversation for information about how to find Oticon Genie2 2024.2
Though, it is not yet available using your Genie Updater for most geographical locations. :(

Until it becomes readily available using your Genie Updater, you can use the the hidden software instructions suggested at the end of the DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF File named (01 Free Hearing Aid Fitting Software). The hidden software instructions boil-down to just ask for it and someone will likely provide information on how to find it.

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Hello, I am a complete newbie, I have the Genesis AI 24 hearing aids and am looking to be able to program myself, any help or direction to the proper software would be greatly appreciated.

which program helps me to program my oticon opn S1
That would be Oticon Genie 2.
Read your PM/Conversation for information about how to find Oticon Genie2 2024.2
i need genie software for my oticon more 1. Just installed a new system win 11 and didn't remember to make a copy of installer.
Hello. I would like the Oticon Genie 2 software for my Intent Hearing aids and would be very appreciative if someone could help me with the link to download the software.
Thank you!
Thank you, thank you . Everything went well. Greetings from Germany. Monkey
Hello guys, Happy New Year
I have new NHS Engage 2 hearing aids. However, the audiologist was reluctant to enable speech in noise and mute. She was also unwilling to take the time with "In-situ-Audiometry", using the programmed aids as transducers, to check the quality of the settings. These new hearing aids are Bluetooth enabled and, in reviewing this forum post, it would appear that I may be able to check this myself and perhaps tweak the insertion gain settings using Oticon Genie2 2024.2 configuration software. I too would be grateful for a download link for the software. Thank you.
Hi @DaveL Welcome;
Your Audi was trying to be polite. No professional will use inSitu to check "quality" of the settings. Most stick with Best Practice to measure your hearing loss using an Audiometer and then use very expensive equipment to perform REM/Real Ear Measurement to insure that the Rx/Prescribed Gain is the same when it reached your eardrums.

But Yes, you can do a inSitu fitting yourself. Some like it better. But save the professional settings before proceeding with inSitu so that you can revert back to the professional settings.

NHS Engage hearing aids are ReBranded hearing aids which you can read about in a DIY School Hearing Aids PDF File named (Unlocking ReBranded Hearing Aids) which is alphabetized by manufacturer.

Wait? What? We know about the NHS Oticon Engage which is equivalent to Oticon Opn 2 hearing aids. It's not new and it is locked but an unlock code is available. Maybe you are referring to this Oticon Engage/Oticon Opn 2. It's not new!

If there actually is a NHS Oticon Engage 2 model, then we don't have an unlock code for any new Engage model?

Read you PM/Conversation ;)
Hello @pvc
Many thanks for your prompt reply, the information you've taken the time to explain is very helpful. Clearly I was mistaken and confused thinking they were "second generation". They are, nevertheless, new to me.

At the first appointment a month ago, the audiologist made standard audiogram curves for each ear and last week used these to program my new hearing aids but didn't then do Real Ear Measurements. I mistook In-situ-Audiometry for this from reading the Genie 2 instructions overview. I do recall a REM years ago.

I've downloaded and installed the software using your PM link. Thanks again. Nevertheless, I will have a big learning curve to climb before using it without inadvertently screwing up the settings I already have and will perhaps need additional interface hardware.

I'm on the waiting list for a follow-up meeting at the hospital and thinking I will ask for a REM. The sound profile delivered by my new engage aids is very different to my previous aids.

Kindest regards
You can read (Step 4 – Save your Original Professional Settings (if any)) in a DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF File named (02 How to Program your Hearing Aids).

Oh, since you got a quick-fitting without REM, you could get back to the same settings by keying in your Audiogram at the Client step, and then when you select the same (Acoustics, Receiver strength, Vent size) as your Audi selected then you will get the same Rx/Prescription/Gain-settings that your Audi got with the quick-fitting. Do you have a paper copy of you Audiogram/Hearing Loss to enter? If not, ask for it!

Tip: At Fitting Step make sure your Gain controls is set all the way to 3; It can be set to 1, 2, or 3 where the 1 & 2 provide less Gain giving you time to get used to the louder sound. Some people get upset because everything sounds so loud so they stop wearing the hearing aids.

When/if you get around to doing your own inSitu fitting, I like to suggest trying it two different methods;
  • faintly hearing the beep for each frequency
  • clearly hearing the beep for each frequency
After trying each inSitu method you can decide for yourself which you like best.
since you got a quick-fitting without REM, you could get back to the same settings by keying in your Audiogram at the Client step, and then when you select the same (Acoustics, Receiver strength, Vent size) as your Audi selected then you will get the same Rx/Prescription/Gain-settings that your Audi got with the quick-fitting.
AND, you can prove that with a SIMULATE session for a new client Joe Blow without even connecting any hearing aids.
Just print out your Gain settings first for later comparison;
Hi @pvc, looking for the latest Genie 2 software to make adjustments to new Oticon hearing aids that my audi just can't seem to get it right.

Already ordered the Noah. Just frustrated with the audi.

Thank you!!!
Already ordered the Noah.
Hi @tjdev Welcome; Noah, NOAHlink, and Noahlink Wireless are three different things. As if that wasn't enough name confusion, there is also a Noahlink Wireless 2 which is hopefully what you ordered. That is, unless you got Noahlink Wireless for a dirt cheap price, which is unlikely.

Read your PM/Conversation for information about how to find Oticon Genie2 2024.2
Hello again @pvc
I've now read the relevant PDF files, dabbled with Genie 2, and feel confident about making DIY tweaks.

My TV adapter 3.0 arrived, but the sound balance through that is even worse - unbelievably bright and is unusable. (The sound balance using my TV adapter 2.0 and streamer was perfect).

So now I need a Noahlink wireless 2, but disappointed to discover that I need to send £200 to China to get one - unless another forum member has no further use for theirs and wants to sell it??? It seems odd to me that, although I can use Bluetooth to pair my hearing aids directly with the PC running Genie 2, I get a communication error when trying to connect with Genie 2 programming software.

On a similar theme, I have also discovered that, despite switching off all other Bluetooth devices, when the Engage hearing aids are paired with the PC, I get no sound with YouTube etc. Is there something that I've overlooked? The streamer Bluetooth had no problem communicating with the PC.

What's more, I have both an iPhone and an iPad. But to use YouTube (for example) with the iPad, I have to pair it each time which is only possible when the iPhone Bluetube is off and I "forget this device". Then re-pair the iPhone afterwards having switched the iPad off. This is very inconvenient. Am I doing something wrong?
My TV adapter 3.0 arrived, but the sound balance through that is even worse - unbelievably bright and is unusable. (The sound balance using my TV adapter 2.0 and streamer was perfect).
You can adjust it. This example is for a Cellphone but the same/similar applies to TV Adapter;

It seems odd to me that, although I can use Bluetooth to pair my hearing aids directly with the PC running Genie 2, I get a communication error when trying to connect with Genie 2 programming software.
The ubiquitous Bluetooth pairing protocol is for one way constant Streaming. Things get more complex when you need to do more, including even firmware updates which is akin to replacing the brains of your device.

On a similar theme, I have also discovered that, despite switching off all other Bluetooth devices, when the Engage hearing aids are paired with the PC, I get no sound with YouTube etc. Is there something that I've overlooked? The streamer Bluetooth had no problem communicating with the PC.

What's more, I have both an iPhone and an iPad. But to use YouTube (for example) with the iPad, I have to pair it each time which is only possible when the iPhone Bluetube is off and I "forget this device". Then re-pair the iPhone afterwards having switched the iPad off. This is very inconvenient. Am I doing something wrong?
I am no expert on streaming?? I didn't know you could pair hearing aids with a PC? I thought you had to use an intermediary device (ConnectClip)?
@pvc, thanks again for the feedback. I had found the screen that I can use to shape the frequency response for the TV adapter but step one is to be able to communicate with my hearing aids.

Assuming a miracle doesn’t happen within the next couple of days, I have no option other than ordering a Noahlink wireless 2 from China. Do you think it would be worthwhile raising a separate post on the forum asking if anyone has one for sale? I am in the UK.

The engage aids definitely pair directly with the PC. I would still love to find out the detailed technical reason why communication is not possible in the same way as it was with the streamer 3.1

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