Gain % ?


New Member
Jun 5, 2024
Reaction score

I'm a long term HA user and I just started tweaking my Phonak's today.

I'm just using my audiologist settings today, learning how to use Target and doing some feedback adjustment...

But I just discovered that the GAIN setting is at 80%... what I understand is that this setting is intended to help when you are a HA new user (not my case)... so should I move it up tp 100%? or is there any other reason to leave it less than 100%?

Just as information in some situations I use to turn the volume up "manually" to follow up some conversations... so can it be related with this 80%??

Yes, by all means. CRANK IT UP TO 100% of your Rx/Prescription. Then leave it there unless it is uncomfortably loud for you.

A funny think happened to me. I developed a bad habit of not wearing my hearing aids first thing in the morning. Sometimes I waited to almost noon. So my brain trained itself to embrace the comfortable silence.

But that had an undesirable side effect. When I finally put my hearing aids on later in the day, some sounds were very loud and annoying. She doesn't like it if I accuse her of crunching on potato chips too loud! So now I put them on first thing in the morning and things are back to normal. :oops:
what I understand is that this setting is intended to help when you are a HA new user (not my case)...
Unfortunately (some/many?) audiologists just take the default settings without questioning (or careful study) into a patients background. You/we have to get involved to insure we get the best settings possible.
Oh, and another reason for audiologists leaving this default set to gradual acclimatation is they get less hearing aid trial rejections for darn hearing aids are too loud, ;)
A funny think happened to me. I developed a bad habit of not wearing my hearing aids first thing in the morning. Sometimes I waited to almost noon. So my brain trained itself to embrace the comfortable silence.

But that had an undesirable side effect. When I finally put my hearing aids on later in the day, some sounds were very loud and annoying. She doesn't like it if I accuse her of crunching on potato chips too loud! So now I put them on first thing in the morning and things are back to normal. :oops:

Ooh yes.. I know that same feeling :D and precisely because of that I just moved the gain to 90% so I don't die with the potato chips or dishes today ... in a couple of days I go for the 100% if necessary.

Thank you!