Downloaded New Phonak Target 9.0.1 software


New Member
Aug 14, 2023
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I downloaded the new Phonak Target 9.0.1 software today. I was able to add my name to the software as a patient, but could not find any other settings or adjustments available to preview on the software. I am wondering if I downloaded it incorrectly, or I don't know where to look, or I need the Noahlink W2 which I am ordering in the morning, before I can see what I will call a complete dashboard of settings??? I am hoping someone can shed some light on this for me.
Thanks all.
Hang on a few minutes, I will post some screen shots.
For General Phonak Tarhet Help;
Click Help / User Guides / Standard

For More Guidance; Click the signature line below and find a DIY School PDF file named (Fitting Instructions Phonak Target).

If you are ready to connect hearing aids for real and start a fitting session that is one approach. With this approach (and if your hearing aids have already been professionally fit by an audiologist) you first fitting session should be simply to save those settings into your database. After that you can start another fitting session to make some changes to those settings.

Perhaps you are starting without any settings. That's a horse of a different color. You will need to define your hearing loss so that the fitting software understands how much gain to apply at each frequency. One method of doing that is using a hardcopy paper audiogram. Another is a process named in-situ, where you listen for beeps and mouse click when you hear the beep for each frequency and for each ear. Phonak has a different name (AudiogramDirect) for this process.

If you want to just poke around and see the dashboard (there are several dashboards) then you can start a Training Session and the settings will be temporary (not saved or altered); Here's a clip from (Fitting Instructions Phonak Target) for starting a Training Session.

Note that forum images may appear as icons (not full size) until you are Logged in as a forum member.
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I don't know what a "Noahlink W2" is. You will likely need a hearing Aid Programming device named (Noahlink Wireless). But we can't say for sure because we don't know what model hearing aid you have??

Suggested DIY School Hearing Aids reading (click the link in my Signature Line);
  • 02 How to Program Your Hearing Aids
  • 01 What to Expect for your First Fit
  • Choose Hardware-Programming Device for Phonak
  • Fitting Instructions Phonak Target
  • Noahlink Wireless - DIY User Guide
Please post your hearing aid model. Any Questions, just ask?
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New here
I have P50-RT
I have downloaded Target version 9.
I am not sure how to connect.
I can connect my right piece to pc using Bluetooth, but not left.
I don't know how to connect to Target.
Any ideas??
Hi Jh160005; Welcome. You need a hearing aid programming device/hardware. Tip: To read any/all DIY School Hearing Aids PDF files just click the link in my signature below. Here's a clip from a DIY School Hearing Aids PDF File named (Choose Hardware-Programming Device for Phonak);

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Your hearing aids can connect wirelessly to your Phonak Target fitting software using the Noahlink Wireless hearing aid program device using the Bluetooth Low Energy/BLE protocol and not the ubiquitous Bluetooth pairing protocol for streaming Audio.
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Suggested DIY School Hearing Aids reading (Fitting Instructions Phonak Target).
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An adapter?

You will still need a hearing aid programming device to make permanent changes to the hearing aid settings.

If all you want to do is increase the volume (temporarily) you can use the hearing aid buttons, or a cellphone app.
I'm sorry to say that if you wish to permanently change the settings on your Phonak P50-RT hearing aids, then you need Phonak Target fitting software and a hearing aid programming device. Look at the image below (with Phonak P50-RT hearing aids) selected. If you use the Pulldown selector on the Hearing Aid Programming Device (top-center-of-screen) there are four choices for hearing aid programming device.

But only one is compatible/valid, namely (Noahlink Wireless). So you cannot use the older/legacy wired programming devices +Plus cables with adapters at the end of the cable. Sorry bro. You can only use the Noahlink Wireless hearing aid programming device.

Also, changing hearing aid settings in a permanent fashion cannot be accomplished by connecting to the hearing aids for audio streaming and then using that streaming connection to facilitate changes to the settings. It does not, and cannot work that way.

But maybe (just maybe) we are discussing the wrong issue? :)

Perhaps a need to adjust/increase the right side volume means that something else could be wrong;
  • wax buildup?
  • receiver failure?
  • your hearing loss has changed/worsened?
Greetings! I'm new here, first post.

I am requesting a DL link for the Target 9.0 I will happily pay it forward in the future. I have ordered the Noahlink wireless and look forward to fine tuning these aids. I am a DIY'er and do not have a contract with a HA provider.

I am now wearing Phonak Lumity Life 90 for the past month and so far I am extremely impressed over the Oticon OP1 I have been wearing for the past 3 years. I can follow conversations, finally. And that TV connector is awesome too.

Thanks in advance.

Mr. PVC,
Thank you for all the info in your postings and helping the community. I have learned so much from them.
Hi Captian; Welcome and thanks for the compliment. Read your PM/Conversation about how to find Phonak Target 9.0.1
Hi Captian; Welcome and thanks for the compliment. Read your PM/Conversation about how to find Phonak Target 9.0.1
Hellos PVC, can I get that "PM/Conversation about how to find Phonak Target 9.0.1"?
I am guessing you mean (Noahlink Wireless) because NOAHlink is an old obsolete device; :)

Hi, I am looking for a PM/Conversation about how to find Phonak Target 9.0.1 as well, thanks for any help