DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2)

The image in the forum implying (to me) that the cable supplied is USB-C male to USB-C male is misleading. I didn’t find that detail in any Noahlink wireless 2 details.

Oh..Yeah..I guess everyone (including myself) leaves that detail out. Sorry; :oops:
I received (original) .nhax file from my audiologist that he generated during the first (and so far only) fitting of my hearing aids.
I would insert that file into a standalone database in my home Genie 2 software.
I received (original) .nhax file from my audiologist that he generated during the first (and so far only) fitting of my hearing aids.
Maybe you can use the .nhax export file, plus $5 dollars to buy a cup of coffee? Or, maybe you can just enjoy the → Joke.

I was kidding! ;) Maybe I shouldn't do that. DIYers never use the Noah system software (currently Noah4 or Noah-ES). Noah system software is never required for any manufacturer’s fitting software. Professional Audiologists need the Noah system software to group many clients into a one Noah database and provide automatic startup interfaces for the different manufacturer’s fitting software. If you are a self-programmer, it is simpler and cheaper to run the manufacturer’s fitting software standalone. When fitting software is run standalone it will use its own database. Repeat,,, Do not use the Noah System software!

Suggested reading: DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF File named (02 How to Program your Hearing Aids).
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If you read Step 4 – Save your Original Professional Settings (if any) in the aforementioned document, it says that your Original Professional Settings are stored in your hearing aids, and therefore you should save your Original Professional Settings without making any changes. After saving your Original Professional Settings from your hearing aids to your own database, then you can proceed with DIY/Self Fitting. If you make a mistake during self fitting, then you can fallback to your database session that contains your Original Professional Settings. Database sessions are never over-written so your Original Professional Settings will always be the first session in your database.
I have already carefully read all the DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF files.
I know that hearing aid settings can be loaded into a standalone database.
And I know that this should be done immediately upon first connection.
My audiologist sent me my original .nhax file.
I haven't received my Noahlink wireless device yet, so I wanted to transfer that original file to my standalone database.
And in document Fitting Instructions Oticon Genie2; Real-More-Own (I have HA Oticon OWN), under DIY School Legacy Hearing Aids (v2.2), it says that you can export/import a .nhax file, e.g. from one computer to another.
And this file that I got from the audiologist is of type .nhax, so I'm asking if it could be imported into my standalone database.

Can I just Click Genie2/Import client files and insert this .nhax from my audiologist?
I ask before I might try something that would cause harm.

It's possible that this one from the audiologist is more detailed, that it has both an audiogram and an in situ audiogram, and maybe some other settings that are not normally loaded into the hearing aid.
That way I would have a richer file of original settings.

Let me add.
I don't know what extension the client files have in the Noah database?
Is it also .nhax?
It's even possible that my Audi uses a standalone database.
Does this detail of his screen shot while setting up my device say anything about that?

HMm; It's possible that I missed something. Let me do some testing and I will get back to you.
Genie 2 allows you to export all clients, or selected clients to a .nhax file. The Noah database system software (currently Noah4 or Noah-ES) also exports to a .nhax file. So there's that.

Yes, perhaps it is possible that your Audi exported one Selected Client (you) from Genie 2, as opposed to export from Noah. Why don't you just test it? Run a fresh/empty Genie 2 and try to import it.

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It's possible that this one from the audiologist is more detailed, that it has both an audiogram and an in situ audiogram, and maybe some other settings that are not normally loaded into the hearing aid.
That way I would have a richer file of original settings.
This is the way I believe it works;
  • There are no rich vs poorer settings. The Audiogram in Genie 2 is documentation only. After First-Fit using an Audiogram as input, then the Audiogram it is no longer used.
  • There is no inSitu audiogram. After first-Fit the inSitu measurements that you chose are discarded.
  • From one fitting to the next - Be careful to retain/insure-you-do-not-change-or-let-default Acoustics and vent size
It works!
I wanted to hear if the file I received was also suitable for a standalone database.
I previously had a fake client (Joe Blow :) ) for some simulations, to see how the software works.
Now I have inserted this original file from my audiologist and I will not change it so that I can, if necessary, return to those settings.
When importing the file, it just told me that the date would not match and I accepted.

Thanks for your cooperation
I am curious to know if the Audiogram was copied over to your database client?
Finally, the ordered Noahlink Wireless 2 arrived.
I plugged it in and immediately followed the recommendation to do step 4 of DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) first.
It can be seen in the attached pictures
- Genie (Preferences, Programming device)
- Device Manager (Naohlink Wireless 2, , Driver Properties,)
- after Update driver

PREFERENCES – PROGRAMMING DEVICE.jpgNoahlink Wireless 2 Properties.jpgUpdate Drivers - Noahlink Wireless 2.jpg
Should I use a newer firmer and if so, where can I find it?

If I try to update, is it this file:
and what is the procedure.
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I am curious to know if the Audiogram was copied over to your database client?

I used Noahlink Wireless Firmware Upgrader and the change is that now instead of 3.15 it says 3.17
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Here's a clip from a DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF File named (Noahlink Wireless 2 - DIY User Guide);
How to connect Noahlink Wireless to your computer?
Noahlink Wireless is a USB plug-and-play programming interface so it’s pretty simple. First, install your modern (not legacy) fitting software. This should setup a Noahlink Wireless driver as per the HIMSA downloads webpage.
  • First install the fitting software. Why? To load a Noahlink Wireless Driver, that’s why.
  • Connect Noahlink Wireless to any USB2 or USB3 port on your computer, or connect Noahlink Wireless 2 to a USB-C port. A solid green light for (2-3 seconds) on Noahlink Wireless without any errors indicates that Noahlink Wireless is powered on and ready to use. Easy Peasy, right?
  • If you happen to plug-in Noahlink Wireless before installing the fitting software, then you may encounter a missing Noahlink Wireless driver problem. If you encounter this missing Noahlink Wireless driver problem, then read the trouble shooting steps in the Appendix of this document.
You now have the Windows driver so you are good to go. I am still running the older Noahlink Wireless (Noahlink Wireless 2 ordered) so I have a different driver (see below).
I am confused by the following:
There is no HIMSA in my Device Manager, but Noahlink Wireless 2 is under Universal Serial bus devices.
Properties driver refers to that port, so it says that the Driver Provider is Microsoft, not Himsa, the date is old...

Device Manager.jpg

So I have a Windows driver and that's fine?
My Guess; These are two different devices that went through Microsoft's procedure for → certifying Windows Drivers and ended up with slightly different results.

I really don't want to learn more than that. But you can ;)
Actually it's three different devices because Noahlink Wireless is actually a GN ReSound Airlink 2 device with a firmware update.

When the firmware update is applied to the GN ReSound Airlink 2 device it becomes a Noahlink Wireless device.
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there is a site where you can buy genie2 software for $19.99.
i have not yet bought it


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For Noahlink Wireless (1 and 2) on the HIMSA website:
they have 2 utilities:
NW Driver Installer and NW Firmware Upgrader
I used that Firmware Upgrader and in the Genie software in Programming Device now instead of version 3.15 I have 3.17.
Should I also use that (HIMSA) NW Driver Installer?
Maybe then I would have the HIMSA driver in Device Manager?

I would like you or one of the members to help me.
I don't dare without your help.