DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2)

Looking to get software for Phonak Target
Got a pair of Naída V70-SP, I wanna setup my ComPilot
Hi @harrison04 Welcome;
Please read your PM/Conversation for info on how to get Phonak Target 10.0.0

Also note that you cannot use Noahlink Wireless as a hearing aid programming device for connecting these Legacy Hearing aids to Phonak Target software.
Hi @saimir Welcome;
Please read your PM/Conversation for info on how to get Phonak Target 10.0.0
Looking to get software for Phonak Target
Got a pair of Naída V70-SP, I wanna setup my ComPilot
It all worked out. I bought a secondhand compilot on eBay after my original died. But apparently, i needed to factory reset the unit so it would work with my HA. I cant use it as a remote unless I pair them. But I'm only using the BT streaming feature anyways
I would like to adjust or update my Starkey Genesis 24 AI hearing aids myself.
What do I have:
- Patient base 28.0.10003
- Noahlink 2 wireless
I'm looking for a version of the ProFit software for this.
Can someone help me and send me a link?
I didn't find a link anywhere.
Hi @Alfred3001 Welcome;
Please read your PM/Conversation for info on how to find Starkey Pro Fit Setup 3.0
Hi @gregwelldone Welcome;
Please read your PM/Conversation for info on how to find ReSound SmartFit 2.0 + Aventa 3
Hey @pvc thanks for doing what you do…
I am looking for the latest Connexx release for programming my Signia Pure Charge&Go X
Does anyone have it by any chance ? Thanks !
Hi @bpnrc Welcome;
Please read your PM/Conversation for info on how to find Connexx 9.12.2/SiFit9.12.1 for Signia Newer/Current
Thanks a lot @pvc ! I hope I will be able to learn enough and one day give back to the community …
Does anyone have an application program for Audifon hearing aids?
There are a few patients here and there is no dealer of this brand where I am. Patients need sound adjustment. can you help?
Does anyone have an application program for Audifon hearing aids?
Yes, But you need to read your (PM=Private message, AKA=Also Known As=Conversation).
Look at the top right of your computer display. Click that Bell for your notifications or click the Envelope to read your Conversations.

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Don’t use the Noah system software (currently Noah4 or Noah-ES). Please read the clip below from a DIY School Hearing Aids PDF file named (02 How to Program your Hearing Aids). Though if you still wish to use Noah here's a link to → Noah ES: 30-Day Free Trial. I dunno what to do after 30 days? I believe you will need a professional → HIMSA account.

Self Programming Don’ts:

When installing hearing aid fitting software don’t choose the option to participate in the improve software feature. No need to have extra automatic communication with manufacturer!!

Don’t use the Noah system software (currently Noah4 or Noah-ES). Noah system software is never required for any manufacturer’s fitting software. Professional Audiologists need the Noah system software to group many clients into a one Noah database and provide automatic startup interfaces for the different manufacturer’s fitting software. If you are a self-programmer, it is simpler and cheaper to run the manufacturer’s fitting software standalone. When fitting software is run standalone it will use its own database. Repeat,,, Do not use the Noah System software!

Don’t confuse the above Noah system software (currently Noah4 or Noah-ES) with the Noahlink Wireless programming device. Don’t confuse an old obsolete programming device named NOAHlink with the Noahlink Wireless programming device. Noah, NOAHlink, and Noahlink Wireless are three different things.
I'd always thought that i must use the Noah System to programing hearing aids. Instead you are correct, no need it and i saved 400 hundred dollars!! thank´s so much
Added "DIY SELF PROGRAMMING FOR HEARING AIDS" in the forum title to help with misdirection to my old posts on another forum.
Some of my old "DIY School Hearing Aids" and their plagiarized copies (on another forum) still have good information.
But the plagiarized copies are becoming grossly outdated.

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