danalogic aids


New Member
Sep 17, 2024
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Hi I am a Newbie

Can any body help with questions I have resound smart fit, noahlink and my NHS hearig aids are ambio 77, Ambio 88

1 Do I need Resound Danalogic 1.15/18 to program these aids and Might they be pin locked

2 I also have a pair of Resound Danalogic GN ReSound Enzo Q SP BTE 98 Hearing Aids and will these also need resound Danalogic 1.15/18 to program these

3. if needed where can i get Resound Danalogic 1.15/18
4. If they are pin locked is there anyway to overcome this

Thanks in advance for any help
You can read a DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF file named (Unlocking ReBranded Hearing Aids) which is alphabetized by manufacturer. Here's a clip below; Perhaps you already read this? They are not pin-code locked AFAweK. Read your PM/Conversation for info o how to find Danalogic 1.18.

ReSound SmartFit/Aventa3:​

Danalogic 1.18 is a version of GN ReSound's SmartFit for ReBranded NHS models (Actio, Ambio Smart, Ambio). There is an earlier version Danalogic 1.15 but it’s the same software for the same models, so use the highest version to get the latest bug fixes, etc.

Danafit 1.5 is an older version of GN ReSound's software for ReBranded models (Gala, Aio, Tera, EOS, Logar, SAP).

Interton 1.17 is a version of GN ReSound's SmartFit for ReBranded models (Move, Ready).

XE BeMore 1.18 is a version of GN ReSound's SmartFit for ReBranded (Denmark Public Health Care) models (XF, XF CROS Transmitter, XD, XB, XA, XC).

Beltone Solos Pro Max 1.18/Solus Pro 1 is a version of GN ReSound's SmartFit-and-Aventa3 for ReBranded Beltone models;
  • Solus Pro Max Models (Serene, Achieve, Imagine, Amaze, Rely, Trust, Boost Ultra, Boost Max)
  • Solos Pro 1 Models (Legend, First, Boost Plus, Boost, Promise, micro-Invisa, Prime, Ally, TRUE, Bold, Origin)
Hi Can someone please give me a link for r Danalogic software
Thanks in advance
Hi Can someone please give me a link for r Danalogic software
Please read your PM/Conversation. Also, Don't use version 1.15. Use 1.18.
Danalogic 1.18 is a version of GN ReSound's SmartFit for ReBranded NHS models (Actio, Ambio Smart, Ambio). There is an earlier version Danalogic 1.15 but it’s the same software for the same models, so use the highest version to get the latest bug fixes, etc.
@pixelthree - Are we good with 1.18? If not we can probably find an older 1.15 version for you?
Yep, check your PM/Conversation for info on how to find Danalogic 1.18.
Hi, can anybody send me the latest Danavox Software? I think it is XE BeMore 1.18
Thank you
Hi @marckos
Please read your PM/Private Message/Conversation for information on how to find XE_BeMore_1.18
Danalogic 1.18 version of GN ReSound's SmartFit for ReBranded NHS models for Ambio / Smart.

Please could someone very kindly send me a link to this. Much appreciated in advance :)
Hi @mrb Welcome;
Please read your PM/Conversation for info on how to find Danalogic 1.18 which is a version of GN ReSound's SmartFit for ReBranded NHS danalogic models (Actio, Ambio Smart, Ambio). There is an earlier version Danalogic 1.15 but it’s the same software for the same models, so use the highest version to get the latest bug fixes, etc.
Hi, I've got a used paid of Danalogic Ambio S 88H that I'd like to play with to fit for my mum (who currently uses some Phonaks), I tried the ReSound software which I already have but it won't see them (which is interesting as they connect to my iPhone, so have bluetooth).

Is there any chance someone could send a link to the Danalogic 1.18 software? much appreciated in advance - I'll report back if they need a pin or are blocked as I'm assuming previous NHS HAs.
software which I already have but it won't see them (which is interesting as they connect to my iPhone, so have bluetooth).
Wireless hearing aid programming devices such as (Noahlink Wireless/Noahlink Wireless 2) use a Bluetooth Low Energy/BLE wireless protocol. You can't just pair them. It's more complicated. Also, ReBranded hearing aid models are mostly "by-design" unable to connect to the standard version of hearing aid fitting software.

Read your PM/Private Message/Conversation for info on how to find Danalogic 1.18 which is a version of GN ReSound's SmartFit for ReBranded NHS danalogic models (Actio, Ambio Smart, Ambio).