connex fitting sys files question


Aug 26, 2018
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say i had win11 on my pc and i got some error messages telling me that i had 3 files on the pc that were not compatible with win11. i went thru the win11 forums and they said those files were signia sys files and that was the issue. i asked signia and never got an answer from them as to when they may update thos files to be compatible with win11. since then i reinstalled win10 and before i go back to win11 maybe some hear can tell me if those files have been updated. i forget there names now and i tossed the names out. but it seems to bring up a message that visual security can't be turned on if i'm recalling that correctly. i would never have known that error if win11 did not popup an error message. if it has been fixed i will reinstall win11. thanks
You cannot ask Signia because you are not a Signia customer with a Signia-account.

There are so many Connexx versions (multiple-versions for current hearing aids, and multiple-versions for Legacy hearing aids) and then ditto for any ReBranded Signia hearing aids.

I never get any such Win 11 errors about incompatible Signia files ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ok i'm now putting win11 back on my pc and i will see if this issue has been resolved. i will get an error message in updates if i still have that conflict.
ok with win11 running this is the issue. these drivers interfere with some security with win11 here is a link to that issue. for now only the bc02filt.sys is not compatible the others here i can delete but the siemens sys file i just do not see yet. it will not stop win11 from working but it seems to stop some security popups.
Screenshot 2024-05-06 125807.png
I keep my Windows 11 Core isolation/Memory integrity = OFF. Instead I use Image Backups to keep my system healthy. YMMV?

Windows 11 / Settings /Privacy & Security / Windows Security / Device Security / Core isolation

You can try an Internet Search for (windows 11 core isolation) to see some conversations on the subject.
yes i have the same thing. but per win11 guys it is best to have the core isolation working as that is just one more security step on your pc, they said i can ignore it it but i should try to resolve the issue.
ok pvc after some time i managed to get those files out of the pc and the fitting program seems no worse for wear.

i have another issue that you may be able to help with. i can start another thread after i tell you about if if needed. this is the issue.

i went into the test client and redid the fitting using instu and the program is the nal-nls adult and redid the feedback basically just redid the complete fitting. and let it run now for a couple weeks making small tweaks avery few days.

i had some issues hearing the wife and some others so i went into the fitting and did a fitting assistant for speech, and let that do some changes in the 1k to 2k area. i will need to let that run for a few days. but i'm getting a what i call a pinch in the right ear. it sounds like the high sounds are being turned off and what i hear is a click or thump sound and that almost hurts my ear. it is real annoying at best.

i can post some photos of the audiogram with the instu and then the fine tuning if you want to see the adjustments. one thing i did do for now was to un couple them and go to the right ear in the sound and loudness and at just above the 2.5k i lowered that slider by 3 clicks and it seems a bit better but not gone, i do not want to just start lowering them before i ask if that might be the spot to do that adjustment? thanks