@andreanBoea has moved on? I dunno if you want to follow this description below. It's very technical
I believe that if you poke around the →
Unitron instruction archives, you will find that all of the Unitron rebranded hearing aid versions track exactly to the same version numbers as Unitron TrueFit fitting software. Therefore, I believe they are, in fact, Unitron TrueFit. Though, with variable configurations.
Looking at the above archive entries, and specifically at the history of Vista:fit (for hearing aid models; Vista Basic, Vista, Vista N and Vista T). The last entry for Vista:fit software instruction guide was Version 3.7 Published September 2018.
Because any/all new Instruction Guides for Vista:fit stopped after September 2018, I believe that (after September 2018) the capability to fit Vista hearing aids was switched to; Aura:fit Vista for (for hearing aid models; Vista Basic, Vista Basic+, Vista, Vista N, Vista T, Vista D, Vista DX, Vista B, Vista V), Note that there are some newer Vista models in Aura:fit Vista.
To summarize; there seem to be three additional/variable versions of Unitron TrueFit. Also, Note that (AudioNova, and Novasense) are grouped together.
- Aura:fit Vista v5.5 Models;(Vista V, Vista B, Vista DX, Vista D, Vista Basic, Vista T, Vista N and Vista).
- Aura:fit AudioNova v5.1 Models; (AudioNova B, AudioNova DX, AudioNova D, AudioNova T) and (NovaSense Elite, AudioNova Basic+, NovaSense Basic)
- Aura:fit Relate/United Healthcare v5.5 Models; (Relate 4.0, Relate 3.1, Relate 3.0, Relate2.0, Relate)