Audeo I90 sphere and other new tech HAs


New Member
Mar 7, 2025
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I am a heavy equipment operator, truck driver, sometimes welder and mechanic, for the last 3 yrs I have struggled with octicon, audena and phonak HAs, with first vendor all we're in canal HAs, my current vendor has got me using behind the ear I90 spheres, my struggles are the same with all three of these brands, they all automatically make changes that are not improvements, even the changes vendor makes eventually get changed, now for some history my first 3 sets of HAs were in canal, the last of the 3 were bought in 2002ish, they all had a 3 or 4 settings button, and a volume knob that also turned off HAs, I would go in, get them fitted, and never have a problem again, the HAs never changed anything on their own, all three worked flawless, how do I make my vendor understand this? How do I get my vendor to prevent HAs from making their own changes that are always for the worst? I have had these spheres for 8 months or so, I have only got about two weeks of decent service before they change themselves and have to go back to vendor, I am about to call phonak and begged for help, $7,000 is a lot to pay for something that doesn't work!!! Thank you for letting me rant,
I also asked if my old audenas could be rebuilt, vendor says no because they're absolete
I think you may be asking about Phonak's Autosense program(s) or maybe Auto-nonsense.
Here's a → Link-to-UTube-Autosense-Description.

HMm; After 8 months your return options have likely expired. Autosense has many adjustments that can be applied so maybe some of the annoying feature impacts could be lessened (or shutoff)???
My audiologists is unable to get these to work right, after about 2 weeks all of her changes are gone and my HAs are back to screeching and all the other goofy crap they do, somehow my HAs are making changes on their own, these changes are hurting my ears
Repeat: ;)

Yes, they are designed to change when your environment changes. It's called Autosense.
I think that you will need to learn about Phonak's Autosense so that you can (either);
  • describe to your Audi which settings/features need to be (adjusted or turned off)
  • or if you are ambitious and technically competent, DIY change those settings yourself
Did you watch the linked UTube video (2 posts above) which describes Phonak's Autosense?

Another option is to return these and get hearing aids without Autosense. But your trial period for returning these has likely expired.
after about 2 weeks all of her changes are gone
Wait, what? After a hearing aid fitting session the changes are saved in two places;
  1. in your hearing aids
  2. in the database (as the last fitting session)
The don't just disappear??

HAs are back to screeching and all the other goofy crap they do, somehow my HAs are making changes on their own
Yes, Phonak's Autosense is designed to change when your environment changes. I think these are the changes you are talking about? Though, I don't know for sure?
HAs are making changes on their own, these changes are hurting my ears
Maybe this is feedback/squeal?? Though some ppl are just sensitive to loud sounds/hyperacusis??
Hearing aid feedback squealing occurs when sound from the device escapes the ear canal and is picked up again by the microphone, creating a feedback loop. This can be caused by an ill-fitting hearing aid, excessive earwax, or high volume settings, and can often be resolved by repositioning the device or cleaning the ear and hearing aid.
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I am about to call phonak and begged for help, $7,000 is a lot to pay for something that doesn't work!!! Thank you for letting me rant
If you just want to rant, then Yes we can sympathize with you. But our sympathy and $5 will only buy you a cup of coffee.

If you want to understand more about how hearing aids fit your hearing loss then post your audiogram and perhaps read a DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF file named (How Hearing Aid Gain Fits Your Loss);

The DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) access portals are at your finger tips via 24/7 cloud storage access.
  • Start here → DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) to find the access portals
  • You can easily find the Access Portals again/anytime, by clicking any PVC Avatar (click twice - counting the 2nd popup Avatar)
  • When logged in, you can find the Access Portals again/anytime, by clicking a Link in my Signature
  • And finally, you can perform a simple Internet search for "DIY School Hearing Aids"
Tip: Hearing aid manufacturers tend to foster relationships for professional audiologists with an open account, and not with hearing aid wearers.
