After 4 days of wearing my
More1s, exclusively, I've popped in my
Real2s, and I can definitely hear a difference between the two.
May I offer a preliminary, highly subjective opinion?
Oticon Real2s are superior to my old More1 devices.
It's hard for me to describe the differences. Some of it may be due to the fact that the receivers in my
More1s are a year or two older than the ones in my
Real aids, but what I hear is "crisper" and better-defined than when I'm wearing my More1s.
We can't rule out the fact that I may be biased towards the
Real2s because they aren't rechargeable. (I feel my former,
now FIRED, audiologist strong-armed me into the rechargeable aids by withholding from me the fact that disposable battery
Mores were already "in the works" when I accepted the
Mores. It's not nice to play funny with the S
At any rate, I do like the sound of the
Real2s better, even though I will not go through the rigmarole to make the
More1s my backups. I'll just ride out my warranty and put the aids I'll get back from end-of-warranty refurbishment Into the back of the drawer, in battery saving mode or whatever it's called, and wear the
Reals as my main HAs, thereafter.
[I just went down the road to the mailbox with my truck windows down. I purposely tried to find a difference in wind noise cancellation from the
More1. There was no difference that I could detect.]
(None of the neighbors were shooting at me today, so I couldn't test the Sudden Noise feature!

I'm posting because I said I would, and not because I am reporting anything scientific or earthshaking, other than that I disagree with the assertion that
Oticon Real hearing aids are merely an incremental improvement over
More. Both are worthy devices, however - that said - those who are contemplating buying
Mores or
Reals ought not to dismiss the
Reals too quickly (as I once did) as merely a marketing tactic. I can definitely appreciate a difference between the two. If I were buying today, and the
Reals were not a lot more pricey than the
Mores - I'd purchase the former over the latter, based on my experience, to date.