Anybody had an audiologist switch your hearing aid requests on you?

Feb 7, 2018
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This has happened to me twice. I had full mold with hook hearing aids and they worked just fine for me. I liked them the first time but some idiot changed it into slim tubes without my say so and because my ear canals are small that hurt my ears! I still have those old things but won't use them. I need two though.

Now a few years later and found out I had moderate hearing loss as I suspected, it dropped due to a raging ear infection and sinus infection all at once (OUCH!) I'm getting hearing aids again and the audiologist tried the same stupid thing on me. Ordered without my consent about what SHE (her excuse was she thought ear molds were too cumbersome on me when I've had them before and found 'em quite comfortable, and worse yet, she knew about this from the secretary on the phone about my desires!) thought was necessary not what I need...oh and my colour choices are lava Red phonaks (she did give me phonak sky V because i requested colour) behind the ear with yellow ear mold. This issue has been resolved or it will be. Just wanted to know if anyone has had this happen to them before? This has since been changed but still. Isn't it frustrating when they go and pin something on you that you clearly do not want nor need? I'm sure my doctor will be sic after 'em XD!! I simply won't sign until they consent to my wishes. ^_^ <--yes, I am getting good at asserting myself. :)
hi there,

Sometimes practitioners want to apply current technology to all situations. There is certainly nothing wrong with this, but I think the patients comfort level and experience should be taken more in account.

Just putting this out there.. although I certainly understand the lack of trust.. believe me I do.. try to stay open minded on some of these attempts, they may be really trying to help based on the known issues. If this is the case you have a good practitioner. However, it could be a way of making more money too!
yeah... WTF???
My thoughts exactly. I went back in there and told them i wasn't going to sign the paper quite calmly until i get what i want and then they had the guts to call my doctor back and say i was bad tempered and apparently yelling (I was assertive, but nowhere near yelling Talk about black mailing and false reports! In fact my final sentence to them was thank you for your time' and left) for refusing hearing aids and got upset at them when i just stated the fact i wasn't going to sign papers until i get my needs met. Even the secretary knew, she's a good person I can tell that. I found another place though! My doctor said though back to me kudos for not caving in like i would have likely before. They even claimed my doctor didn't sign my forms when in fact he did. He just has a very strange signature like most doctors do. Cannot believe this place at all. Wow! :O! Got another appointment elsewhere on the 28th of this month. :) it'll work out. ^^ Thanks again for your support.
hi there,

Sometimes practitioners want to apply current technology to all situations. There is certainly nothing wrong with this, but I think the patients comfort level and experience should be taken more in account.

Just putting this out there.. although I certainly understand the lack of trust.. believe me I do.. try to stay open minded on some of these attempts, they may be really trying to help based on the known issues. If this is the case you have a good practitioner. However, it could be a way of making more money too!

Thank you!! I thought so too. It was just her behaviour during the whole thing that really put me off. I really think she is not used to people realizing they are not going to get what they want. I think, I might be wrong on this though; her attitude was my way or the highway. I do agree with you and thank you for putting your opinion out there. I have switched places to that is a lot more flexible just by listening to local people's opinions on places. ^^ Feb 28th is my next appointment. I had wrote in response to my other post from LlamaChick long story short the audiologist actually got fairly ugly with me when I stated calmly that i was not signing anything until my needs were met. I don't think they're used to people simply just saying no in there lol. Ah well, water under the bridge and i have a new place to gain better access to. Little did I know the receptionist was also the person who did the hearing test who supported young adults with coloured hearing aids! I spoke with a different person today. :O! Thank you both for your wonderful and helpful support ^_^

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