Search results

  1. K

    New to hearing loss

    Since you're brand new to this, reading up on hearing loss is essential. Find out what could be causing yours, and do what you can to completely eliminate it from your lifestyle, as prolonged exposure to noises of a harmful decibel will only serve to worsen your hearing loss, and we don't want...
  2. K

    I need to know where hearing aid centre in chennai?

    If you're still searching, it can be daunting at times, which is why there are a lot of free online resources that tell you what you might have to expect at your first hearing test, including this super useful website! I hope it helps, and I hope you find an audiologist close to your area!!
  3. K

    Hearing loss linked to smoking?

    A lot of factors can contribute to hearing loss. Here's a good guide of causes, and I think the general thought is that smoking does indeed contribute to hearing loss (Along with a host of other issues within the body - it's really not good for you!) I hope this is useful info!
  4. K

    Is there any relationship between hearing loss and hereditary?

    Here's a really good website that gives a good insight into the causes of hearing loss. honestly, your best precaution would be to have your hearing tested by an audiologist to see where it's at.
  5. K

    Antibiotic's and hearing

    There are now quite a number of different hearing aids to choose from! Designs have changed a lot over the years, and you'll be able to find one that's discreet if that's your choice!
  6. K

    Is that a hearing loss problem?

    You could always go for a hearing test? This website offers some really good info on what he might expect on his first hearing test. Also invest in some noise cancelling headphones, as we often amp up the volume on our headphones to block out outside noise! To read more on steps you can take to...