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  1. C

    Signia ax5 hearing aid programming

    thanks above is the program from the old pc i exported the complete client list and then imported it into the new pc. i did go to those on the sigina site and they do not offer much help. also they are coupled it says coupled under that icon. so now that i managed to get the old pc program...
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    Signia ax5 hearing aid programming

    ok i started the old pc and got the program running and exported the client and setting list. then that saved to the desktop and then i copied that to a thumb stick and then i copied that into the new pc fitting program. here is what my old program looks like in the streaming section 1st photo...
  3. C

    Signia ax5 hearing aid programming

    this is the section i'm using is that the wrong section?
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    Signia ax5 hearing aid programming

    ok then i have to reload the new program. then that must be what i'm missing thanks so i will reset them back and then lower one click save session then go back to client and reload. and see if that does anything. thanks.
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    Signia ax5 hearing aid programming

    tell me if i get below 0 should i hear any gain? i have now lowered them one click on the 125 thru 750k and nothing changes. i connect make a change save setting but say no to saving to database and then disconnect and it is still the same. if i lower the volume to as low as it goes then it...
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    Signia ax5 hearing aid programming

    ok at this time i disconnect the streamer. so i will reset them to where the software set them and then lower one set at a tiem and then go to file save session and see. is that what your saying?
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    Signia ax5 hearing aid programming

    ok pvc i have been playing with that tv streamer and it seems like nothing happens when i change the sliders in the audio section under the tv. i must be missing something here. i drop the sliders a notch and disconnect them and listen for a bit and it seems nothing happens. can you tell me...
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    Signia ax5 hearing aid programming

    pvc. ok i installed the updated fitting program and went into it to see if i had any changes and so fat it looks the same but thanks ther may be something in it i will see later on. i found that out when i was in the fitting program and went to the tv streamer part of the aids program that i...
  9. C

    Signia ax5 hearing aid programming

    i have the signia ax5 aids from tru hearing i have the noah link programmer and connexx fitting software. i programmed my aids last year after i go them and had the aud do the hearing test and first programing. so monday i had to go back for a hearing test so that i could get new aids because...
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    Question about hearing aid mic's

    i have phonak audeo hearing aids v30 312t aids. is there a mic i can get that will let me use to hear the conversations better thru bluetooth? i ask becasue i got a set of signia ax5 aids and the play thru the phone and i got a tv streamer for them and the doo well but i can't hear...
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    sound recover question

    i have almost no hearing in the 4 to 8k range, up in the 90 to 100 deb range i hear just a bit at 4k nothing but clicks at 6k and some at 8k but i struggle to hear the wife's voice. she talks soft and when i get after her to speak up a bit she claims she is yelling. anyway with the phonak aids i...
  12. C

    Fitting software needed

    do anyone have or know where to get the fitting software for the signia hearing aids? i just got these friday and the audi of course talk to you and asks how they are working. i told him the right ear was pinching my ear, was hurting and he said i have to get use to them. come on i have been...
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    signia 6 hearing aids

    ok i got new signia 6 hearing aids today from the insurance company thru medicare. anyway does anyone have these and if so what is your opinion? they set them up and the right ear is driving me crazy already. i told them and he said i need to get use to them. i have been wearing aids now for 20...
  14. C

    signia advance hearing aid questions

    ok i got new insurance and the agent told me that this insurance covers new hearing aids. so i go to the hearing center and take the hearing test and they check my insurance and tell me i can get the signia advance device. so then he tells me they are not any better than the phonak audeo v30...
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    anyone ever use the soundworld devices

    i got an email the other day about the sound world solutions hearing aids. i did some emails back and forth to them but as you all know every company has claims that there product is the best. but the only way to actually find out how good they are is to either try them or ask other that have...
  16. C

    otican alta 2 pro fitting program

    is there any chance of getting the oticon alta 2 pro fitting software here anymore? and will these devices program with the icube 1 or 2 or will i need the get the noah programer. thanks bp.
  17. C

    client data

    i had to reinstall my target software after i had to reset my hard drive and i got target back but lost the client data. all i had was me but it would be nice to get that config file back. if not i have to go thru setting it all back up. having that file would make it easier. i saved the...
  18. C

    program question

    i have just got a pair of phonak audeo v aids i think they are the v30 model but can't tell as the book did not have it marked. they are the 312t the program tells me that. but my question is when in the button section it had volume for the short press of the button and the left button for vol...
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    hearing aid product question

    has anyone had any luck making contact with the hearsource company? i have sent them at least 5 emails from there website and have yet to get any replies. so are they a for real company? and does anyone actually use their products? for the last 3 weeks i have sent ou from their site using there...
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    Unitron fitting program

    unitron will not tell you anything might as well ask them if the moon will fall from the sky. thanks