Starkey Multi-Brand fitting for Amplifon Audibel Audika NuEar MicroTech +others


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2023
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You can obtain instructions for fitting Audibel hearing aids from two DIY School Hearing Aids PDF files named (01 Free Hearing Aid Fitting Software) and (Unlocking ReBranded Hearing Aids). Actually, Audibel is just one of several rebranded Starkey hearing aids. There are others too which can be programmed using these instructions. Namely; AGX/AudigyGroup, Amplifon, Audibel, Audika (French/Francaise, before Audika sold to Oticon), AudioSync (Brazil = Portuguese), Horex (German/Deutsche), KIND, Lisound (Chinese/Zhongguo), Medtronic, MicroTech, Starkey, NuEar, Visaudio (French/Francaise), MiracleEar.

Clip from DIY School Hearing Aids PDF File follows;
Both the Starkey Pro Fit and Starkey Inspire can be used with Starkey's multi-branded products for ReBranded models.

Step 1: Right-click the Windows Start button and select Run, or press (Win-Key + R)

STEP 2: Enter the fitting software to be run (Inspire or ProFit), "exactly" as follows from one of the two lists below and into the Windows Run Command: Tip: Use the cut-and-paste method. Typing is too cumbersome; See DIY School PDFs for details.

Step3: Click OK


That's it! Tada! See DIY School Hearing Aids PDF File (Unlocking ReBranded Hearing Aids) for the two lists of Multi-Brand choices.


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Alternatively, for running this again and again (multiple times):

The three steps (above in the OP/Original Post) may be cumbersome or awkward for you, especially if you are not familiar with the Windows Run command feature. So here's another method to save your Run command into an executable .Bat file and then all you have to do is Rapidly-Double-Mouse-Click your saved .Bat file in order to run (or rerun) your command.

Caveat: Windows-Defender abhors executable files and therefore it has rules (such as no importing/download) for controlling the use of (.Bat) files. Also, if you save the .Bat file on a portable USB Flash Drive, then Windows Defender will warn you that the USB Flash Drive has a problem that needs to be scanned/fixed, so you will have to live with that (perhaps repeated) warning.

This alternative method uses Windows Notepad to (first) Edit a text file. But then save it as a .Bat file. Normally Windows Notepad will save your text file as .txt but we are going to use "File/Save as" to create a resultant .Bat file (or .bat file, same thing). Be careful for the correct command syntax! Tip: Use Cut-N-Paste. The instructions below are using "Audibel" as an example.

Step 1: Click/Open/run Windows Notepad

Step 2: Create your command in Notepad, using one of the two examples below;
Start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey Laboratories\Inspire OS\Starkey.Inspire.Host.PatientBase.exe" launch AudibelFitting
Start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey\ProFit\ProFit.Host.PatientBase.exe" launch AudibelFitting

Step3: In Notepad use "File/Save as" and save the one-line Notepad text file as Audibel.Bat Tip: If you ever have a need to edit your .Bat file for changes, then you will need to Right Mouse Click the file and then select Show more options and finally, select Edit.

Step4: Rapidly-Double-Mouse-Click your Audibel.Bat file to Run your command <- Repeat as needed
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Sorry for the temporary syntax errors. It should work now.
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UPDATE: 2024-Q1 No Longer Working - ETA: Oh, wait. It works now. Continue reading.
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In the past some HoH-Community members were able to get Starkey Inspire (and Starkey ProFit) to work as multi-brand by running the software +Plus including a launch parameter. For example;
  • "C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey Laboratories\Inspire OS\Starkey.Inspire.Host.PatientBase.exe launch NuEar"
However, this work-around no longer seems to be working :oops: ETA: Oh, wait. It's fixed now.



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Well... it does work. Though, not with the latest software version of InspireSetup 27.1.10074.0 :rolleyes:

You must use the previous version of PatientBase Setup 26.0.10014.0 for Multi-Brand, See next post.

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Fixed. Long story short; For Multi-Brand fitting you must carefully choose which version to run for PatientBase and for Starkey Inspire. Two DIY School Hearing Aids PDF Files have been updated to compensate for this new wrinkle;
  • 01 Free Hearing Aid Fitting Software
  • Unlocking ReBranded Hearing Aids
Here's a clip from DIY School Hearing Aids PDF File named (01 Free Hearing Aid Fitting Software);

Starkey Pro Fit and Inspire

Important: To run the Starkey software, you must run PatientBase, not the software itself! The first time you run PatientBase, you will be asked to specify a username and password. Choose an easy-to-remember username and password and keep it in mind or you will be locked out of PatientBase!

There are three software components. PatientBase is required, and then optionally, choose to install one or both of the fitting software components depending on your needs.
  • PatientBase (client database)
  • Starkey Inspire X (for Legacy hearing aids) is hidden
  • Starkey ProFit (for newer/current hearing aids) is hidden
Starkey can be setup to run as single-brand (Starkey), or setup to run as Multi-Brand, see the DIY School Hearing Aids PDF file (Unlocking ReBranded Hearing Aids) for a list of other ReBranded models.

Single-Brand – Starkey
  • PatientBase Setup 27.0.10001.0 or latest from this download command → PatientBase Installer
  • Starkey Inspire X (for Legacy hearing aids) is hidden
  • Starkey ProFit (for newer/current hearing aids) is hidden
Multi-Brand – Starkey +Plus other ReBranded models
  • PatientBase Setup 27.0.10001.0 or latest from this download command → PatientBase Installer
  • Starkey Inspire X (for Legacy hearing aids) InspireSetup 27.0.10016.0 ← obtain this specific v27.0 hidden version
  • Starkey ProFit (for newer/current hearing aids) is hidden
Now that you have chosen three components, perform the following steps to install:
  • Step1 - Install the required Starkey Patient Database
  • Step2 - Install Starkey Starkey Pro Fit Setup 3.0.10100.0 (or latest) for Newer/Current hearing aids. Note: You may encounter an Optional Popup Install option for ProFit. But perhaps the simpler method is to install ProFit (now/first) and not wait for the dubious Popup Install option.
  • Step 3 – Install Starkey Inspire X (for Legacy hearing aids) being careful to use the specific v27.0 version if you intend to setup for multi-brand .
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Someone asked about fitting software for AudioSync and NuEar hearing aid software. You already have the multi-brand capability built-in for both versions (legacy and Current) Starkey fitting software.

Starkey can be setup to run as single-brand (Starkey), or setup to run as Multi-Brand, see the DIY School Hearing Aids PDF file (Unlocking ReBranded Hearing Aids) for a list of other ReBranded models, which I will repeat here;

launch AudigyGroupFitting
launch AmplifonFitting
launch AudibelFitting
launch AudikaFitting
launch AudioSyncGeneralFitting
launch HorexFitting
launch KINDFitting
launch LisoundFitting
launch MedtronicFitting
launch MicroTechFitting
launch MicrosomFitting
launch Starkey
launch NuEarFitting
launch VisaudioFitting
launch MiracleEar
It is simple to run the Starkey fitting software with a "launch" parameter for Starkey Inspire X (Legacy hearing aids) or (Starkey Starkey Pro Fit).

However, Windows security will make it cumbersome for you to do so! But it's not extremely difficult!
Just updated the DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF file named (Unlocking ReBranded Hearing Aids). TRYNA make the explanation simple ;)
HMm; Silence??? Makes me think that you were unsuccessful with trying to fit AudioSync or NuEar?
Here are the two commands;

C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey Laboratories\Inspire OS\Starkey.Inspire.Host.PatientBase.exe launch AudioSyncGeneralFitting
C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey Laboratories\Inspire OS\Starkey.Inspire.Host.PatientBase.exe launch NuEarFitting

It is really that simple. Copy and paste one of the two commands (above) into a Windows Run Command and then Click OK;


If you don't know how to start a Windows Run Command here are two methods; Right-click the Windows Start button and select Run, or press (Win-Key + R).

This is the Win-Key:
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If you don't know how to start a Windows Run Command here are two methods; Right-click the Windows Start button and select Run, or press (Win-Key + R).
Oh, one more way to invoke the Windows Run Command is Right-Mouse-Button click the Windows Start Button on your Windows Taskbar and select Run.

HOWEVER, you will likely find that time is limited as to how long you can use this Starkey ReBrand workaround (maybe 30 or 60 days?) until your grace period expires and you are asked for your credentials;


I was able to perform a "Start Over" test with a new/virgin/fresh Windows System on the same computer, and it does work again with a new/fresh grace period. But for most ppl, multiple "Start Overs" will be easier said then done.
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You can obtain instructions for fitting Audibel hearing aids from two DIY School Hearing Aids PDF files named (01 Free Hearing Aid Fitting Software) and (Unlocking ReBranded Hearing Aids). Actually, Audibel is just one of several rebranded Starkey hearing aids. There are others too which can be programmed using these instructions. Namely; AGX/AudigyGroup, Amplifon, Audibel, Audika (French/Francaise, before Audika sold to Oticon), AudioSync (Brazil = Portuguese), Horex (German/Deutsche), KIND, Lisound (Chinese/Zhongguo), Medtronic, MicroTech, Starkey, NuEar, Visaudio (French/Francaise), MiracleEar.

Clip from DIY School Hearing Aids PDF File follows;
Both the Starkey Pro Fit and Starkey Inspire can be used with Starkey's multi-branded products for ReBranded models.

Step 1: Right-click the Windows Start button and select Run, or press (Win-Key + R)

STEP 2: Enter the fitting software to be run (Inspire or ProFit), "exactly" as follows from one of the two lists below and into the Windows Run Command: Tip: Use the cut-and-paste method. Typing is too cumbersome; See DIY School PDFs for details.

Step3: Click OK

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That's it! Tada! See DIY School Hearing Aids PDF File (Unlocking ReBranded Hearing Aids) for the two lists of Multi-Brand choices.
Hi PVC I tried these method many times but it opens inspire only not other brand of starkey Hearing aids
That's only part of your Run command. I can't see the rest of it? Don't post an image. Cut and paste it here. Like this;

C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey Laboratories\Inspire OS\Starkey.Inspire.Host.PatientBase.exe launch NuEarFitting
Some Windows shortcut keys for (Cut-n-Paste);
  • Mouse drag some text
  • Ctrl-C = Cut
  • Ctrl-V = Paste