Recent content by pvc

  1. pvc

    Genie2 2024.1 is available, updated to Genie2 2025.1 is available

    These are my Intent 1s below with the new → Oticon Intent OtoTherm Molds that use your body heat to shape the molds for a comfortable fit matching your ear canals. Noteworthy, the Intents use AI-DNN (artificial intelligence deep neural network) to enhance speech-in-noise.
  2. pvc

    Phonak Target v 6.1

    Read you PM/Private Message/Conversation for info on how to find Phonak Target 6.1. Your question about what has changed since 2016-Q2 release of (→ Audéo B-R Rechargable) requires research. Try clicking the links in the following Clip from a DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF File named (Big-5...
  3. pvc

    Phonak Nathos Auto M unlock code

    It is already available to you. Please read a DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF File named (Unlocking ReBranded Hearing Aids). This PDF file is organized by manufacturer so you will have to scroll down to the Phonak section. Also; the DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) access portals are at your...
  4. pvc

    Software Links download

    I mean read your PM/Private Message/Conversation for info on how to find Unitron TrueFit 5.7.0
  5. pvc

    Is there a big difference between IIC and RIC for me, considering my audiogram?

    Wow, that is an unusual hearing loss. Most typical hearing losses have the shape of a ski slope where the hearing loss is greater in the higher frequencies. The hearing aid models (or the receivers themselves for RIC models) have technical papers that show what hearing loss they can fit...
  6. pvc

    Silicon-based (m1 / m2/ m3) Mac DIY HA Programming Guide w Noahlink Wireless (Tested for Oticon Genie 2024.2)

    Yes, Parallels (or any emulator) is not the problem. Noahlink Wireless works on some Apple computers. The early Apple computers were made with (Intel CPUs aka Intel Silicon). But starting with the M1 (and then later M2 and M3) Apple started manufacturing their own CPUs (aka Apple Silicon)...
  7. pvc

    Software Links download

    Keep your pants on :p
  8. pvc

    Software Links download

    The Unitron BLU models (with the exception Insera/Custom models) can be programmed using the Noahlink Wireless hearing aid programming device and the Unitron TrueFit 5.7.0 software.
  9. pvc

    Oticon Ria

    Question to self? Am I comfortable with purchasing (legacy hearing aid programming equipment) that will likely exceed the value of my legacy (twelve year old hearing aids)?
  10. pvc

    Oticon Ria

    Yes, I know what you need to get this done. But you still haven't provided any details or clues about which model Rea you have? Perhaps I can ask some questions to narrow it down? You will need to use the Oticon Genie 2017.1 Legacy hearing aid fitting software. You will need to purchase a (Hi...
  11. pvc

    User manual for Oticon H160v2 Ti?

    Distraction in various forms may provide temporary relief for Tinnitus. Though no fix that I know of? So maybe just fuhgeddaboudit?
  12. pvc

    User manual for Oticon H160v2 Ti?

    Also, the → Oticon H160v2Ti tinnitus hearing aids are maybe a few years older than water o_O
  13. pvc

    User manual for Oticon H160v2 Ti?

    Here's a link to → AGX Hearing Aids Brand Review. Though I think this reference is for modern/current hearing aid models, not legacy models.
  14. pvc

    DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2)

    Reminder: You don't need to request email-access to Dropbox for access to DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2)!! I routinely ignore any Dropbox access requests. Access is much more simple as follows!! The DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) access portals are at your finger tips via 24/7 cloud storage...
  15. pvc

    Audeo I90 sphere and other new tech HAs

    I think you may be asking about Phonak's Autosense program(s) or maybe Auto-nonsense. Here's a → Link-to-UTube-Autosense-Description. HMm; After 8 months your return options have likely expired. Autosense has many adjustments that can be applied so maybe some of the annoying feature impacts...