I actually just had my follow up appointment, she was pretty excited once i unveiled i had the ability to make changes myself, she just prefers majors changes to be done by the professionals. She even told me i can reach out to her to get her opinion on a setting change at any time via email.
Oh ok, that sucks but I edited my msg above that it's common for me to get wax blockage that reduces my ability to hear in my right ear. I don't think I mentioned as well that I got a conductive hearing loss.
They aren't also my audi of choice, I had to go with the one OVR worked with. But another factor in my hearing loss is that I have narrow ear canales do to a tomor in my left side of my face. So earwax builds up easily in my right ear and can reduce my ability to hear out of it a good bit.
Oh ok, I only notice it on the right hearing aid. But i might mention to the audiologist that I may make setting changes myself or should I avoid doing so?
For age context I'm 23, and a lot of the music I listen to is edm. So I'm assuming the hearing aids are cutting out some sounds by thinking it's feedback. I think tinitis can play a key role in the fitting as it's hard to distinguish the sounds during testing.
I think I can hear pretty well without, but In my office environment i can notice that my co-workers with deeper voices can be harder to hear. But at home and in my car Ive been not wearing them until I can get to the bottom of the weird feedback sound. Which upon my research is some sort of...