New Hearing Aid Technology with (AI DNN/Deep Neural Network)


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2023
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Which new Hearing Aid models are using this new AI-DNN technology?
AFAIK, four new models at this point in time; Click the Links below.
  • Oticon Intent → Link
  • Phonak Audéo Sphere Infinio → Link
  • Starkey Genesis AI, Edge AI → Link
I am wearing the Oticon Intent model and I can vouch for this new AI-DNN technology as being a big advance in hearing aid technology. See this related → forum post. Phonak will try to convince you that they had "AI" in previous models. Pfft, that is only AutoSense or AutoNonSense depending on your view.
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Any model for profound hearing loss? Naida UP or Xceed 1 fitting range.
No, the four models using this AI-DNN technology (Oticon Intent, Phonak Audéo Sphere Infinio, and Starkey Genesis AI/Starkey Edge AI) are not BTE-style power hearing aids, and not specifically designed for profound hearing loss.

Also, and for example the previous version of Oticon miniFit receivers did have a 105 power version; Link to → Older Oticon miniFit receivers. But the newer miniFit Detect receivers for Oticon Intent only go up to 100 power. See page 22 of this Link to → Oticon Intent Product Guide.

Also, take note that the Older Oticon miniFit receivers (which have been around for a long, long time) will not work for the new Oticon Intent model!!
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Also , i don't know why the fuck AI-DDN is not used for severe/profound loss , because this is an area where this can really, really make a difference.
Maybe it will become available with later new models. I believe that AI-DNN technology requires extra battery power so that might fit right in with BTE style hearing aids. Though, maybe not so much with small custom ITE, ITC, CIC models.
Whoops (ETA/Edit To Add) above description to include Starkey Genesis AI model. So four models using new AI-DNN technology at this time, AFAIK :p
FYI: The USA VA/Veterans Administration usually provides all/new Top Brand hearing aids. But for some reason they do not (or will not) provide Phonak Audéo Sphere Infinio hearing aids. I dunno Why. o_O
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I found this link to an → interesting publication on how some previous technology advancements precede hearing aids that can use AI-DNN (Deep Neural Network) technology? This may also be interesting for you (or it may be gibberish) depending on your point of view. ;)
  • A long time ago there were only CPUs. The job of a CPU is to process instructions.
  • Then there were GPUs. The job of a GPU is to process images. Nvidia became the King of GPU processing (probably because most teenagers became Gamer Addicts) and needed images processed really/really fast!
Excerpt: Nvidia GPUs the industry standard for training neural networks. In 2012, the market valued Nvidia at less than $10 billion. Today, Nvidia is one of the most valuable companies in the world, with a market capitalization north of $3 trillion. That high valuation is driven mainly by overwhelming demand for GPUs like the H100 that are optimized for training neural networks.

Now, fast forward to the future/today, Speech-in-noise can be represented visually (as an image, see example below). Furthermore those images (gazillions of images) can be used to train DNN/Deep Neural Networks.

The Question; Can hearing aids denoise Noisy Speech Using Deep Learning Networks? I think they can. Though, I could be wrong. :rolleyes:

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Lenne egy kérdésem: az Oticon Xceed + okostelefon tud zenét hallgatni Bluetooth-on keresztül?
A Phonak Naida ebbe a kategóriába tartozik, ha jól tudom, de az oticon?
Lenne egy kérdésem: az Oticon Xceed + okostelefon tud zenét hallgatni Bluetooth-on keresztül?
A Phonak Naida ebbe a kategóriába tartozik, ha jól tudom, de az oticon?
RE: I have a question: can the Oticon Xceed + smartphone listen to music via Bluetooth? Phonak Naida falls into this category, as far as I know, but oticon?

I am not the best person to ask because I don't pay much attention to these Connectivity-with-Everything Issues. This Link to → Oticon Opn S & Oticon Xceed Product Guide 2019 says;

Oticon hearing aids with a 2.4 Ghz Bluetooth
connection are Made for iPhone, iPad and iPod
touch hearing aids and compatible with Android
devices. Directly connected to iPhone, the
hearing aids double as wireless headphones –
without the need for an intermediary device.
The Bluetooth technology in Oticon hearing aids
supports stereo streaming of music and produces
sound with high fidelity and bandwidth.
When making calls, the user’s voice is picked
up by iPhone.

Oticon hallókészülékek 2,4 GHz-es Bluetooth-szal kapcsolat Made for iPhone, iPad és iPod érintőképernyős hallókészülékek és kompatibilis az Androiddal Eszközök. Közvetlenül csatlakoztatva az iPhone-hoz, a A hallókészülékek vezeték nélküli fejhallgatóként is funkcionálnak – közvetítő eszköz nélkül. A Bluetooth technológia az Oticon hallókészülékekben Támogatja a zene sztereó streamingjét és Hang nagy hűséggel és sávszélességgel. Hívások kezdeményezésekor a felhasználó hangját választja ki iPhone-on keresztül.
My phone
Android Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro Oticon Companion app works but separate music does not work. Do I need to replace the phone? Which one would be suitable? Thank you for your answer.
Older Oticon technology uses MFi=Made for iPhone. But you won't like it. It will cost too much to switch from Android OS, to Apple OS.

And, if you want to make a phone call while streaming inbound audio to your hearing aids, you will need to hold the iPhone up to your mouth for outbound audio!
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Older Oticon technology uses MFi=Made for iPhone. But you won't like it. It will cost too much to switch from Android OS, to Apple OS.

And, if you want to make a phone call while streaming inbound audio to your hearing aids, you will need to hold the iPhone up to your mouth for outbound audio!
;I really want to listen to music on my phone, I miss it so much. I used to use Oticon Streamer a lot, it was enough. Now I only want Oticon Xceed and a phone. What is the solution, a phone replacement?
Do you have money to burn? Do you want to switch from Android to Apple iPhone?
Do you want to use phone, plus connect clip, plus Exceeds?
It's either (one-more-thing/one-more-device) or burn money like there is no tomorrow.