two weeks until test!

Feb 7, 2018
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Two weeks til my yearly test! Despite the fact the aids are producing feed back and need new moulds I still wear them. The dizzy spells still continue but we'll find out what's going on there and that's a different story. I am now noticing this: when i hear sounds i can almost feel that through the ear mould on the right ear? Has anyone else encountered this with ear moulds BTE style like mine? It's so weird! I also heard water and it sounded like a water fall. I wear the left one persistently and the right one is really the one that is the pain but the audiologist is did a mould for both. Gonna be a long appointment. I'm scheduled for a hearing test on how my regular ears work and then to see how the hearing aids work on me. I have an older pair and i'm thinking of getting a mould set for them. Is it worth it?
thanks! I thought so. I found 'em earlier today again and now i can see why i hated 'em! They were a sleeve fit or something like that and very painful for me at the time. I didn't put them in but i remember it. :O Do just the moulds cost a lot? Dad bought these so i am not sure of the price. A very lovely gift indeed yes? My first ones as i was younger i don't remember if they were sponsored or not. I think for kids it's free as i was at the time.
thanks! I thought so. I found 'em earlier today again and now i can see why i hated 'em! They were a sleeve fit or something like that and very painful for me at the time. I didn't put them in but i remember it. :O Do just the moulds cost a lot? Dad bought these so i am not sure of the price. A very lovely gift indeed yes? My first ones as i was younger i don't remember if they were sponsored or not. I think for kids it's free as i was at the time.

that sucks!
i will ask my audiologist on the 26th when I see her again what a price for only moulds would be. I can't imagine it being any more than 180 dollars or so. of course I could be right off. It kinda does suck not remembering what the cost was but i can always try to find out. Getting a back up at a small amount due to only moulds is well worth it me thinks.
i will ask my audiologist on the 26th when I see her again what a price for only moulds would be. I can't imagine it being any more than 180 dollars or so. of course I could be right off. It kinda does suck not remembering what the cost was but i can always try to find out. Getting a back up at a small amount due to only moulds is well worth it me thinks.

good luck! my earmolds are usually 75 bucks!
ah okay! So if you're US then I can expect to double mine. I'm Canadian eh? :) Ya don't have to tell me the fact if you're USA or Canadian that's okay but it gives me a good estimate. :) The sound is still resonating in my hearing aid on my left. I don't think I noticed that before. That might go away when i get my new ones. I will ask my audiologist about that. I'm still having vertigo spells so I am going to check with my doctor and her about that. Found a place that does more in depth testing with their patients for balance. That's 75 for both right? Sorry to ask, just curious.
ah okay! Got it. It does but first i'm going to the walk in to make sure it's not an ear infection. Tonight it's really bad and there is pain in my ear. Oral antibiotics have responded well. This would be the third one in three months. I swear i'm the champion of 'em. D=! There is still time to heal with the right treatment. That way she gets a good reading of my hearing. i will also ask her what the moulds cost, they are so comfy. i can't imagine anything else!!
ah okay! Got it. It does but first i'm going to the walk in to make sure it's not an ear infection. Tonight it's really bad and there is pain in my ear. Oral antibiotics have responded well. This would be the third one in three months. I swear i'm the champion of 'em. D=! There is still time to heal with the right treatment. That way she gets a good reading of my hearing. i will also ask her what the moulds cost, they are so comfy. i can't imagine anything else!!

oh boy
Since then i picked up another one! D=! It's healing well though. I think it's linked to sinusitis. That makes it two in a month's span. I think it's releasing itself finally as I can hear the phone again. I was pretty well hard of hearing, even for me!

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