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Hello I am looking for aura : fit
Any software version available please send to me
I am also looking but couldn't find
Hi Keith,

Did you find out where to download Target?

If so, I would love to know.

Torben from Denmark
Good day,

I bought Oticon Xceed 1 SP and NOAHlink Wireless 2 I can't get by anymore because I don't have the Genie 2 software. I can't download it anywhere, please help me, I read the end and downloaded all the pdfs, I got stuck there, I wanted to register on the oticon website, but I don't have the Account Number..
Regards, Csaba
Can now see all the details I need and have managed to alter 'fine tuning' setting to get back to where I was before UK Costco audi altered my settings. too lazy to read long manuals-struggling to save to HA & Database. seen that option available before but the save to HA option is not visible.Really appreciate the help from this site with all the annoying AI data on the internet, cause for optimism!
Wanted to say many thanks for assistance with software x 2 and hardware advice. I now have a working system to reprogram my Costco KS10 (Phonak P90 {I think}) HA. Still not sure why the additioanl Noahlink hardware is required, but as soon as it arrived and was connected, my system was up and working. CONTINUED IN NEXT POST>>
Hello: would you please be able to provide the password/log in information for GPS console? Thank you so much!
I’m new here
Someone could give me the way to find and download Phonak Target 9.1.1.
And perhaps where to buy noah link wireless (or more recent equivalent ?) ?
Thank you verry much.
We are a team of Hearing Industry professionals backed by an ENT doctor. Our experience throughout our 30 years in the Medical hearing world has landed us here in Palm Bay, Florida bringing our nationwide (and local) community a different hearing aid shopping experience.
Hi! This is my first time here.
Please specify the type and pinout of the programming cable for my Microtech Summit IQ I1600 BTE 13 PWRPLS CHMP.
Hi Mutleymarsh and Welcome :)
What model hearing aids are you wearing? Have you installed the fitting software yet?
It's the Widex RIC D10 FS-M just awaiting batteries then ill see what I can get out of it.
Have you ever managed to track down the Aura:Fit AudioNova version of the software, its used by Boots in the UK and none of the other Aura:fit versions recognise the |Boots AudoNova versions of their HA's
No, I have not.
Blue thinks that it will be "trivial" to reverse engineer the MyPhonak (Junior) apps

Is he wrong?
let's find out
Note that this is a bitmask, and since this code is decompiled, it shows as decimal, the RAW bitmask itself, however, would be:
Or in hex:

Edit: my mistake, not a bitmask, but rather, the manufacturer ID must be
I'll probably write up the rest of this on GH tbh...
Me when noble manufacturer data and android manufacturer data are reversed what the heck
Please post your requests on a forum topic and not here on my "Profile". Likely no one will see your post here. Thanks.

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